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Who is Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)?

Qt is developed by an open source project, the Qt Project, involving developers as individuals and from firms working to advance Qt, such as Nokia, Digia, and others. Before the launch of the Qt Project, it was produced by Nokia's Qt Development Frameworks division, which came into being after Nokia's acquisition of the Norwegian company Trolltech, the original producer of Qt. Qt is a full development framework with tools designed to streamline the creation of applications and user interfaces for desktop, embedded and mobile platforms. With Qt, you can reuse code efficiently to target multiple platforms with one code base. The modular C++ class library and developer tools easily enables developers to create applications for one platform and easily build and run to deploy on another platform. Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework with APIs for C++ programming and Qt Quick for rapid UI creation.
Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) URL: http://qt.digia.com
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Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) files

  1. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Unified Color Technologies)
  2. qtdbus4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  3. niqtgui_2013.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  4. niqtcore_2013.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  5. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by SurfEasy)
  6. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by SurfEasy)
  7. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Comodo Security Solutions)
  8. qtiff4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  9. qtsvg4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  10. qsvg4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  11. qmng4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  12. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  13. qico4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  14. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  15. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  16. qsqlite4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  17. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  18. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  19. qtxmlpatterns4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  20. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  21. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  22. qtscript4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  23. qtdeclarative4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  24. qtiff4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  25. qsvg4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  26. qmng4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  27. qico4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  28. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  29. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  30. qsvgicon4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  31. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  32. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  33. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  34. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  35. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  36. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by Innovative Digital Technologies)
  37. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Innovative Digital Technologies)
  38. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Innovative Digital Technologies)
  39. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Innovative Digital Technologies)
  40. qtsqlbirdie4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  41. qtnetworkbirdie4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  42. qtguibirdie4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  43. qtcorebirdie4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  44. qmng4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  45. qico4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  46. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Huawei Technologies Co)
  47. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Huawei Technologies Co)
  48. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Huawei Technologies Co)
  49. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Bandoo Media)
  50. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Bandoo Media)
  51. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Bandoo Media)
  52. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Bandoo Media)
  53. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by Bandoo Media)
  54. qmng4.dll (Qt4 by Acronis)
  55. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Acronis)
  56. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Acronis)
  57. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by VTech Electronics North America)
  58. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by ArcSoft)
  59. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by ArcSoft)
  60. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by ArcSoft)
  61. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by ArcSoft)
  62. qico4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  63. phonon4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  64. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  65. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  66. qtopengl4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  67. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  68. phonon_ds94.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  69. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  70. qtopengl4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  71. qsvg4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  72. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Adobe Systems)
  73. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Adobe Systems)
  74. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Adobe Systems)
  75. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  76. qtxmlpatterns4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  77. phonon4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  78. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  79. qtsvg4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  80. qsvg4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  81. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by KeyLemon SA)
  82. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by KeyLemon SA)
  83. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by KeyLemon SA)
  84. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by KeyLemon SA)
  85. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by KeyLemon SA)
  86. qtga4.dll (Qt4 by Anvei Technology Co)
  87. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  88. qico4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  89. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  90. phonon4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  91. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  92. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  93. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  94. qtopengl4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  95. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  96. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  97. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by SightSpeed)
  98. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  99. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  100. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  101. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  102. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  103. qtopengl4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  104. qsqlite4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  105. phonon4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  106. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  107. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  108. qico4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  109. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  110. qtxmlpatterns4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  111. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  112. qtscript4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  113. qtdeclarative4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  114. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  115. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  116. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  117. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia)
  118. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Unified Color Technologies)
  119. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Raxco Software)
  120. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Raxco Software)
  121. qtiff4.dll (Qt4 by Thorvald Natvig)
  122. qsvg4.dll (Qt4 by Thorvald Natvig)
  123. qmng4.dll (Qt4 by Thorvald Natvig)
  124. qico4.dll (Qt4 by Thorvald Natvig)
  125. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Thorvald Natvig)
  126. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Thorvald Natvig)
  127. qsvgicon4.dll (Qt4 by Thorvald Natvig)
  128. qtwcodecs4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  129. qkrcodecs4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  130. qjpcodecs4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  131. qcncodecs4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  132. qtscripttools4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  133. qtclucene4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  134. qthelp4.dll (Help by F-Secure)
  135. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  136. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  137. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  138. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  139. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Logitech)
  140. qtmultimedia4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  141. qtsvg4.dll (Qt4 by Mumble - Open Source Developer)
  142. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Baltimore)
  143. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  144. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  145. qtscript4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  146. qtdeclarative4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  147. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  148. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  149. qtiff4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  150. qmng4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  151. qico4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  152. qtopengl4.dll (Qt4 by Nokia and/or its subsidiary(-ies))
  153. qsqlite4.dll (Qt4 by Innovative Digital Technologies)
  154. qtxmlpatterns4.dll (Qt4 by Innovative Digital Technologies)
  155. qtdeclarative4.dll (Qt4 by Innovative Digital Technologies)
  156. qmng4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  157. qico4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  158. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  159. qtxmlpatterns4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  160. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  161. qtclucene4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  162. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  163. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  164. qthelp4.dll (Help by F-Secure)
  165. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  166. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  167. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  168. qtscript4.dll (Qt4 by F-Secure)
  169. qtopenglvbox4.dll (Qt4 by Oracle)
  170. qtnetworkvbox4.dll (Qt4 by Oracle)
  171. qtguivbox4.dll (Qt4 by Oracle)
  172. qtcorevbox4.dll (Qt4 by Oracle)
  173. qmng4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  174. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  175. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  176. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  177. phonon4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  178. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  179. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  180. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  181. qtxmlpatterns4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  182. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  183. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  184. qtscript4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  185. qtdeclarative4.dll (Qt4 by Media Get LLC)
  186. qtscript4.dll (Qt4 by Comodo Security Solutions)
  187. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Comodo Security Solutions)
  188. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Comodo Security Solutions)
  189. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Comodo Security Solutions)
  190. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  191. qtscript4.dll (Qt4 by Innovative Digital Technologies)
  192. phonon4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  193. qtwebkit4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  194. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by Innovative Digital Technologies)
  195. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  196. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  197. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  198. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
  199. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co)
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