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Who is Intel Corporation?

Intel is best known for producing the microprocessors found in many personal computers. The company also makes a range of other hardware including network cards, motherboards, and graphics chips. Intel produces software applications for drivers including support software, bios, utilities, firmware and patches for Intel products.
Intel Corporation URL: www.intel.com
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Intel Corporation programs

  1. Intel(R) Control Center

Intel Corporation files

  1. dptfpolicycriticalservice.exe (Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework by Intel)
  2. bootstrap.exe (Intel(R) Update Manager by Intel® Services Manager)
  3. timesyncservice.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  4. ibtrksrv.exe (Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R) by Intel)
  5. igfxdi.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  6. igfxlhm.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  7. igfxdh.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  8. igfxosp.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  9. igfxdtcm.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  10. igfxem.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  11. igfxcuiservice.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  12. igfxhk.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  13. ccxplugin.dll ( CCXPlugin Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  14. ig4icd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  15. pluginraid_esp.dll (RAID Plug-in for Intel(R) Matrix Storage Console by Intel)
  16. iaamon_esp.dll (RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
  17. nfcdre64.dll (Intel NFC UMDF Driver by Intel)
  18. vcperfservice.exe (Intel(R) System Behavior Tracker Collector Service by Intel(R) Software Products)
  19. igfxdo.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  20. intelatservicesignup.exe (Intel(R) AT Service signup by Intel)
  21. dptfpolicylpmservicehelper.exe (Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework by Intel)
  22. dptfpolicyconfigtdpservice.exe (Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework by Intel)
  23. dptfpolicylpmservice.exe (Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework by Intel)
  24. dptfparticipantprocessorservice.exe (Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework by Intel)
  25. atchk.exe (atchk by Intel)
  26. atchksrv.exe (atchksrv by Intel)
  27. irstrtsv.exe (Intel(R) Rapid Start Technology Service by Intel)
  28. isctplatformcheck.dll (Intel Smart Connect Technology by Intel(R) Smart Connect software)
  29. isctensdata.dll (ISCT ENS Module by Intel(R) Smart Connect software)
  30. isctremotewake.dll (ISCT Always Reachable Module by Intel(R) Smart Connect software)
  31. isctnetdetect.dll (ISCT Net Detect Module by Intel(R) Smart Connect software)
  32. lserv.dll (Intel(R) Smart Connect Technology by Intel(R) Smart Connect software)
  33. isctsystray8.exe (ISCTsysTray by Intel(R) Smart Connect software)
  34. ara.dll (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  35. pluginraid_ell.dll (RAID Plug-in for Intel(R) Matrix Storage Console by Intel)
  36. iaamon_ell.dll (RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
  37. connmgr.dll (Intel PROSet/Wireless by Intel)
  38. netprovcredman.dll (NetProvCredMan Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  39. wlkeeper.exe (SSO Service by Intel)
  40. ifrmewrk.exe (Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless by Intel)
  41. libiomp5md.dll (Intel(R) OMP Runtime Library by Intel(R) Software Products)
  42. ig4icd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows XP(R) by Intel)
  43. svml_dispmd.dll (Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler by Intel(R) Software Products)
  44. tbbmalloc.dll (Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows by Intel(R) Software Products)
  45. tbb.dll (Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows by Intel(R) Software Products)
  46. igdusc64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) by Intel)
  47. servicemanager.exe (Intel Services Manager by Intel® Services Manager)
  48. setup.exe (Intel(R) HD Graphics by Intel)
  49. elservice.exe (Intel(R) Quick Resume Technology by Intel)
  50. igdumdim32.dll (Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  51. igdusc32.dll (Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  52. igd10iumd32.dll (Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  53. igdumdim64.dll (Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  54. ig4icd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows XP(R) by Intel)
  55. igdusc64.dll (Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  56. igd10iumd64.dll (Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  57. appup.exe (Intel AppUp(R) by Intel AppUp(R) center)
  58. partialfwupdateservice.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  59. portforwardingservice.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  60. soapserverservice.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  61. statuseventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  62. winlogeventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  63. wmieventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  64. historyeventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  65. comeventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  66. hostchangesnotificationservice.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  67. eventmanager.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  68. libiomp5md.dll (Intel(R) OMP Runtime Library by Intel)
  69. libpserverplugin.dll (Intel Appup(R) Presentation Server by Intel AppUp(SM) center)
  70. libloggerplugin.dll (Intel Appup(R) Logger Plugin by Intel AppUp(SM) center)
  71. libbizlplugin.dll (Intel Appup(R) Business Logic Plugin by Intel AppUp(SM) center)
  72. configurator.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  73. gmscommon.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  74. common.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  75. npintelwebapiupdater.dll (Intel web components updater - Installs and updates the Intel web components by Intel® Identity Protection Technology Software)
  76. npintelwebapiipt.dll (by Intel® Identity Protection Technology Software)
  77. lms.exe (Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management Service by Intel)
  78. iaamon_ptg.dll (RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
  79. pluginraid_ptg.dll (RAID Plug-in for Intel(R) Matrix Storage Console by Intel)
  80. updateservice.dll (UpdateService by Intel® Services Manager)
  81. policymanager.dll (PolicyManager by Intel)
  82. toastnotificationslib.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Status by Intel)
  83. listener.exe (Intel Sample Collector Service by Intel)
  84. uuid.dll (UUID by Intel)
  85. iaamon_fra.dll (RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
  86. pluginraid_fra.dll (RAID Plug-in for Intel(R) Matrix Storage Console by Intel)
  87. ijl20.dll (Intel?JPEG Library by Intel)
  88. libifcoremd.dll (Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler by Intel)
  89. gdql_in.dll (QDiagLib Module by Intel)
  90. networkt.dll (Gteko NetworkT by Intel)
  91. trgmgr.dll (TrgMgr Module by Intel)
  92. trgregh.dll (GTek TriggerHandler by Intel)
  93. trgloadh.dll (Gteko TrgLoadH by Intel)
  94. qdiagh.dll (Gteko QDiagH by Intel)
  95. pnph.dll (Gteko PNPH by Intel)
  96. grouph.dll (Gtek GroupH by Intel)
  97. actmgr.dll (Gteko ActMgr by Intel)
  98. cfgdata.dll (CfgData Module by Intel)
  99. gtagnt.dll (Gteko GTAgntDll by Intel)
  100. dtmessagelib.dll (DTMessageLib.dll. by Intel)
  101. winlogeventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  102. wmieventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  103. historyeventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  104. comeventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  105. soapserverservice.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  106. amt_sw_gui.dll (Library containing UI controls by Intel)
  107. privacyiconclient.resources.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Status by Intel)
  108. nmssvc.exe (NMS by Intel)
  109. xtuapplication.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  110. hardwareaccessinterfaces.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  111. hardwareaccess.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  112. platformdetection.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  113. hardwareserviceinterfaces.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  114. hardwareservices.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  115. xtuapplicationinterfaces.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  116. common.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  117. xtuinterface.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  118. xtucoreserver.dll (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  119. xtuservice.exe (Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility by Intel)
  120. libguide40.dll (Intel(R) OMP Runtime Library by COREL TW CORP)
  121. vdpsrc.dll (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  122. asfagent.exe ( ASFAgent by Intel)
  123. tbbmalloc.dll (Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows by Adobe Systems)
  124. tbb.dll (Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows by Adobe Systems)
  125. iccproxy.exe (Intel(R) Integrated Clock Controller Service - Intel(R) ICCS by Intel)
  126. iastorui.exe (IAStorUI by Intel)
  127. privacyiconclient.resources.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security by Intel)
  128. analyzer.dll (Analyzer by Intel)
  129. collsvc.exe (Intel Sample Collector Service by Intel)
  130. amt_sw_gui.dll (AMT_SW_GUI by Intel)
  131. piconstartup.exe (Intel(R) PIconStartup by Intel)
  132. privacyiconclient.exe (Intel(R) Management and Security Status by Intel)
  133. pluginraid_csy.dll (RAID Plug-in for Intel(R) Matrix Storage Console by Intel)
  134. systemmonitor.dll (SystemMonitor by Intel® Services Manager)
  135. provisioning.dll (Provisioning by Intel® Services Manager)
  136. persistenceapi.dll (PersistenceAPI by Intel® Services Manager)
  137. liveupdate.dll (LiveUpdate by Intel® Services Manager)
  138. libpserverplugin.dll (Intel Appup(R) Presentation Server by Intel AppUp(R) center)
  139. libloggerplugin.dll (Intel Appup(R) Logger Plugin by Intel AppUp(R) center)
  140. libbizlplugin.dll (Intel Appup(R) Business Logic Plugin by Intel AppUp(R) center)
  141. internetmonitor.dll (internetMonitor by Intel® Services Manager)
  142. serviceofferingmanager.dll (ServiceOfferingManager by Intel)
  143. liveupdateutility.dll (LiveUpdateUtility by Intel)
  144. eventmanager.dll (EventManagerComp by Intel® Services Manager)
  145. downloadmanager.dll (DownloadManager by Intel® Services Manager)
  146. dispatcherserver.dll (DispatcherServer by Intel® Services Manager)
  147. deviceprofileservice.dll (DeviceProfileService by Intel® Services Manager)
  148. sealing.dll (Sealing by Intel)
  149. network.dll (Network by Intel)
  150. channeladapter.dll (ChannelAdapter by Intel)
  151. backendservice.dll (BackendServices by Intel® Services Manager)
  152. systeminfo.dll (SystemInfo by Intel)
  153. actionmanager.dll (Intel Services Manager by Intel® Services Manager)
  154. serializer.dll (Serializer by Intel)
  155. payload.dll (Payload by Intel)
  156. corepersistenceapi.dll (Intel Services Manager by Intel)
  157. sm_uuid.dll (UUID by Intel)
  158. localmessage.dll (LocalMessage by Intel)
  159. dispatcher.dll (MessageDispatcher by Intel)
  160. orchestrator.dll (Orchestrator by Intel)
  161. agentinfo.dll (Intel Services Manager by Intel)
  162. configurationmanager.dll (ConfigurationManager by Intel)
  163. logger.dll (Logger by Intel)
  164. igldev32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R) by Intel)
  165. iglicd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R) by Intel)
  166. igdumd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  167. gfxui.exe (Intel Graphics Properties by Intel)
  168. oemdspif.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  169. iaamon_enu.dll (IAA RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
  170. iaanotif.exe (IAA RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
  171. iaantmon.exe (Intel IAANTmon by Intel)
  172. btmofficea.dll (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  173. p2psupplicant.dll ( P2P Supplicant Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  174. igdumd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  175. igfxexps32.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  176. mbtleapi.dll (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  177. irstrtsv.exe (Intel(R) Rapid Start Technology Service by Intel)
  178. bleservicesctrl.exe (Bluetooth LE Services Control Program by Intel)
  179. igdumd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) by Microsoft Windows PE 3)
  180. igd10umd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) by Microsoft Windows PE 3)
  181. pluginraid_rus.dll (RAID Plug-in for Intel(R) Matrix Storage Console by Intel)
  182. iaamon_rus.dll (RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
  183. lms.exe (Intel(R) Management & Security Application Local Manageability Service by Intel)
  184. libmmd.dll (Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler by Intel)
  185. libguide40.dll (Guide Run-time Library by Intel)
  186. uns.exe (Intel(R) Management & Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  187. tbb.dll (Threading Building Blocks by Intel)
  188. esn.dll (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  189. mediasrv.exe (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  190. btmshell.dll (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  191. devmonsrv.exe (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  192. btplayerctrl.exe (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  193. obexsrv.exe (Intel PROSet\Wireless Bluetooth by Intel)
  194. bthssupplicant.dll ( P2P Supplicant Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  195. statuseventhandler.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  196. eventmanager.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  197. configurator.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  198. gmscommon.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  199. common.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  200. wsmanclient.dll (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  201. isdi2.dll (Intel Storage Driver Interface Dynamic Library by Intel)
  202. psidata.dll (Intel Private Storage Interface Interop by Intel)
  203. psidata.ni.dll (Intel Private Storage Interface Interop by Intel)
  204. iastorviewmodel.ni.dll (IAStorViewModel by Intel)
  205. psi.ni.dll (PSI by Intel)
  206. iastordatamgr.resources.dll (IAStorService by Intel)
  207. intelaudiostudio.exe (Intel Audio Studio by Intel)
  208. iusb3mon.dll (Intel(R) USB 3.0 Monitor by Intel)
  209. igd10umd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows Vista(R) by Microsoft Windows PE 3)
  210. bthssupplicant.dll ( BTHS Supplicant Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  211. bootstrap.exe (Intel Services Manager by Intel® Services Manager)
  212. ismagent.exe (Intel Services Manager by Intel® Services Manager)
  213. intelmefwservice.exe (Intel(R) ME Service by Intel)
  214. tbbmalloc.dll (Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows by Intel)
  215. igdumdx32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) by Microsoft Windows PE 3)
  216. igd10umd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) by Microsoft Windows PE 3)
  217. intstngs.dll (IntelSettings Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  218. dot1xcfg.dll (Intel PROSet/Wireless by Intel)
  219. iwmssvc.dll (Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Service by Intel )
  220. intelvisualdesign.resources.dll (IntelVisualDesign by Intel)
  221. iastoricon.resources.dll (IAStorIcon by Intel)
  222. etmservice.exe (Intel Dynamic Power Performance Management by Intel)
  223. igdumd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows XP(R) by Intel)
  224. igdumdx32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows XP(R) by Intel)
  225. igdumd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows Vista(R) by Microsoft Windows PE 3)
  226. igd10umd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows Vista(R) by Microsoft Windows PE 3)
  227. iastorutil.ni.dll (IAStorUtil by Intel)
  228. iastordatamgr.ni.dll (IAStorService by Intel)
  229. iastordatamgrsvc.ni.exe (IAStorDataSvc by Intel)
  230. igdaux32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) by Intel)
  231. igdvidproc32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) by Intel)
  232. igddxva32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) by Intel)
  233. igfxtmm.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  234. p2psupplicant.dll ( P2P Supplicant Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  235. iastoriconlaunch.exe (Delayed launcher by Intel)
  236. igd10umd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  237. igfxext.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  238. iastordatamgr.dll (IAStorService by Intel)
  239. statusstrings.dll (StatusStrings Link Library by Intel)
  240. igdumd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7(R) by Microsoft Windows PE 3)
  241. iastoruihelper.dll (IAStorUtil by Intel)
  242. intelvisualdesign.dll (IntelVisualDesign by Intel)
  243. iastorutil.dll (IAStorUtil by Intel)
  244. igdumdx32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows Vista(R) by Intel)
  245. pluginraid_deu.dll (RAID Plug-in for Intel(R) Matrix Storage Console by Intel)
  246. iaamon_deu.dll (RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
  247. uns.exe (Intel(R) Management & Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  248. iastordatamgrsvc.exe (IAStorDataSvc by Intel)
  249. iastoricon.exe (IAStorIcon by Intel)
  250. igd10umd32.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows XP(R) by Intel)
  251. s24mudll.dll (Intel Mobile Unit Support Service by Intel)
  252. murocapi.dll (MurocApi Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  253. dbengine.dll (Secure Database Egnine by Intel)
  254. pfmgrapi.dll (ProfileMgrApi Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  255. lsawrapi.dll (Intel Corporation LSAWRAPI by Intel)
  256. traceapi.dll (TraceAPI Module by Intel)
  257. psregapi.dll (PsRegApi by Intel)
  258. c1xstngs.dll (C8021XSettings Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  259. s24evmon.exe (Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Service by Intel )
  260. evteng.exe (Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log by Intel)
  261. dot1xcfg.exe (Intel PROSet/Wireless by Intel)
  262. regsrvc.exe (Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service by Intel)
  263. igdumd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows XP(R) by Intel)
  264. igdumd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows Vista(R) by Microsoft Windows PE 3)
  265. igd10umd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 8(R) by Intel)
  266. intelcphecisvc.exe (IntelCpHeciSvc Executable by Intel)
  267. jhi_service.exe (Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface by Intel)
  268. igfxexps.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  269. libmmd.dll (Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler by Adobe Systems)
  270. tbb.dll (Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows by Intel)
  271. uns.exe (Intel(R) Management and Security Application User Notification Service by Intel)
  272. iusb3mon.exe (Intel(R) USB 3.0 Monitor by Intel)
  273. lms.exe (Intel(R) Active Management Technology Local Manageability Service by Intel)
  274. igd10umd64.dll (Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows XP(R) by MsProdMediaPeSigningSha1)
  275. pluginraid_enu.dll (RAID Plug-in for Intel(R) Matrix Storage Console by Intel)
  276. iaamon_enu.dll (RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
  277. isdi.dll (Intel Storage Driver Interface Dynamic Lib by Intel)
  278. igfxsrvc.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  279. igfxres.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  280. igfxhk.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  281. igfxress.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  282. igfxres.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  283. hccutils.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  284. lgnotify.dll (LogonNotify Dynamic Link Library by Intel)
  285. zcfgsvc.exe (ZeroCfgSvc Application by Intel)
  286. s24evmon.exe (Mobile Unit Support Service by Intel )
  287. evteng.exe (EvtEng Module by Intel)
  288. ifrmewrk.exe (Intel PROSet/Wireless by Intel)
  289. regsrvc.exe (RegSrvc Module by Intel)
  290. igfxsrvc.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  291. igfxtray.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  292. intelmem.exe (Intel Modem Event Monitor Application by Intel)
  293. igfxdev.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  294. igfxpph.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  295. hkcmd.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  296. igfxtray.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  297. privacyiconclient.exe (Intel(R) Management and Security by Intel)
  298. ianvsrv.exe (Intel(R) Flash Cache Logic Chip by Intel)
  299. uns.exe (Intel(R) Active Management Technology User Notification Service by Intel)
  300. igfxpers.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  301. lms.exe (Intel(R) Active Management Technology Local Manageability Service by Intel)
  302. igfxsrvc.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  303. iaantmon.exe (RAID Monitor by Intel)
  304. iaanotif.exe (RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
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Intel, the world leader in silicon innovation, develops technologies, products, and initiatives to continually advance how people work and live. Founded in 1968 to build semiconductor memory products, Intel introduced the world's first microprocessor
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