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Who is Lenovo Group Limited?

Lenovo Group Limited engages in manufacturing and distribution of IT products and services. It offers laptops, desktops, workstations, servers, batteries and power, docks and port replicators, carrying cases, software, monitors, touch-screen devices, and printers. The company also provides accessories and upgrades, such as audio and video, cables and adapters, carrying cases, keyboards and mice, memory, projectors, security, storage, and wireless and networking products. In addition, it involves in the property holding and property management, procurement agency, group treasury, supply chain management, and intellectual property rights management activities; and provision of repair services for computer hardware and software systems. The company serves home and home office, small and medium business, and business partners.
Lenovo Group Limited URL: www.lenovo.com
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Lenovo Group Limited files

  1. lshelperdll.dll (Lenovo Settings by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  2. laumdfhelperdll.dll (Lenovo Settings by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  3. settingscmnframework.dll (Lenovo Settings Common Framework by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  4. settingsdriver.dll (Lenovo Settings by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  5. pmvudex64v.dll (Lenovo Settings Power by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  6. pmvuddrv.dll (Lenovo Settings Power by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  7. shtctky.dll (On Screen Display by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  8. hlp8.dll (On screen display by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  9. pwmtr64v.dll (Lenovo Settings Power by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  10. extapsup.exe (On Screen Display by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  11. settingsservice.exe (Lenovo Settings by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  12. tposd.exe (On Screen Display by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  13. shtctky.exe (On Screen Display by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  14. alckcam.dll (ThinkVantage AutoLock by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  15. tpfsm.dll (Full Screen Magnifier by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  16. micmute6.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  17. lentbctl.dll (Tablet Shortcut Menu by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  18. tpnumlk.exe (On Screen Display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  19. alckresi.exe (ThinkVantage AutoLock by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  20. tsmservice.exe (TSMService by Lenovo (Japan) Ltd)
  21. asrsvc.exe (Auto Screen Rotate by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  22. tsmresident.exe (TSMResident by Lenovo (Japan) Ltd)
  23. kbhook.dll (KBHook by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  24. tpnumlkd.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  25. css_strings.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  26. css_think_res.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  27. tvt_think_res.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  28. dlganswerprompt.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  29. cssdlgpwentry.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  30. css_banner.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  31. csswait.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  32. cssuserdatadispatcher.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  33. lcdbl.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  34. spkvol.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  35. tposd.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  36. hyperw7svc64.exe (HyperW7 Service by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  37. hotkey.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  38. srosvc.exe (SROSVC by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  39. srorest.exe (SRORest by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  40. tpnumlkd.exe (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  41. cssauth.exe (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  42. tpwaudhk.dll (On Screen Display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  43. tphklock.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  44. tpwaudap.exe (On Screen Display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  45. updatemonitor.exe (System Repair by Lenovo Group Limited)
  46. router.dll (ReadyComm Direct Router by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  47. svchostplugin.dll (IGRS Service Control & Manage Framework Plugin by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  48. socketplugin.dll (IGRS Protocol Stack Socket Plugin by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  49. reliableplugin.dll (IGRS Protocol Stack Reliable Plugin by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  50. proxyplugin.dll (IGRS Protocol Stack Proxy Plugin by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  51. coreplugin.dll (IGRS Protocol Stack Core Plugin by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  52. btcomplugin.dll (IGRS Protocol Stack BTCom Plugin by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  53. framework.dll (IGRS Protocol Stack Framework by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  54. connsvc.exe (Lenovo ReadyComm ConnSvc by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  55. appsvc.exe (Lenovo ReadyComm AppSvc by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  56. igrs.exe (IGRS Protocol Stack by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
  57. pwmif64v.dll (ThinkPad Power Manager by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  58. tplhmm.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  59. hkvolkey.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  60. tposdsvc.dll (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  61. tpknrdll.dll (ThinkVantage Communications Utility by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  62. tvtpwm_ie_com.dll (Password Manager by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  63. password_manager.exe (Password Manager by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  64. rrservice.exe (rrservice Module by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  65. cammute.exe (ThinkVantage Communications Utility by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  66. pwmtr64v.dll (ThinkPad Power Manager by LENOVO(JAPAN)LTD)
  67. tpknrsvc.exe (ThinkVantage Communications Utility by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  68. lvvsst.exe (Auto Scroll by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  69. tpknrres.exe (ThinkVantage Communications Utility by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  70. tvt_reg_monitor_svc.exe (ThinkVantage Technologies by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  71. pwmtr32v.dll (Desktop Power Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  72. pwmidtsv.exe (Desktop Power Manager by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  73. pwmtr64v.dll (Desktop Power Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  74. schtask.exe (ScheduledTask by Lenovo Information Products (Shenzhen) Co)
  75. css_strings.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  76. css_think_res.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  77. tvt_think_res.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  78. css_banner.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  79. pwmif32v.dll (ThinkPad Power Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  80. tvtpwm_ie_com.dll (Password Manager by Lenovo (United States))
  81. lpmlchk.exe (ThinkVantage Productivity Center by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  82. updatemonitor.exe (Fast Restore by Lenovo Group Limited)
  83. zlib.dll (zlib.dll by Lenovo Group Limited)
  84. ui.dll (ui Dynamic Link Library by Lenovo Group Limited)
  85. rrpie.ocx (RRPie ActiveX Control Module by Lenovo Group Limited)
  86. rrname.ocx (RRName ActiveX Control Module by Lenovo Group Limited)
  87. rrbackupinfo.ocx (RRBackupInfo ActiveX Control Module by Lenovo Group Limited)
  88. rrtree.ocx (RRTree ActiveX Control Module by Lenovo Group Limited)
  89. rrlist.ocx (RRList ActiveX Control Module by Lenovo Group Limited)
  90. ezejmnap.exe (ThinkPad EasyEject Utility by Lenovo Group Limited)
  91. pwrmgrtr.dll (ThinkPad Power Manager by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  92. tvt_passwordmanager.dll (Client Security Password Manager by Lenovo (United States))
  93. tposdsvc.exe (On screen display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  94. tpfnf6r.exe (ThinkPad FnF6 Resident Module by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  95. enlpu.dll (Auto Scroll by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  96. enlpu32.dll (ThinkPad UltraZoom by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  97. awaydb.dll (Away Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  98. awayapi.dll (Away Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  99. pwrmgr.dll (Power Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  100. pwmuiaux.resources.dll (Power Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  101. pwmuictl.dll (Power Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  102. pwrmgrif.dll (ThinkPad Power Manager by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  103. cspcore.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  104. csscsp.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo Group Limited)
  105. tvt_res.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  106. dlganswerprompt.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  107. cssdlgpwentry.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  108. tvt_banner.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  109. csswait.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  110. cssuserdatadispatcher.dll (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  111. tpfnf7.dll (Presentation Director by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  112. enlpu.dll (On Screen Display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  113. enlpu32.dll (On Screen Display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  114. prochlp.dll (Away Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  115. awaynotify.dll (Away Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  116. tvtpwm_ie_com.dll (Client Security Solution Password Manager by Lenovo (United States))
  117. lpmgr.exe (ThinkVantage Productivity Center by Lenovo Group Limited)
  118. tp4ex.exe (TrackPoint Accessibility Features by Lenovo Group Limited)
  119. micmute.exe (On Screen Display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  120. ipssvc.exe (Away Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  121. virtscrl.exe (Auto Scroll by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  122. tpscrex.exe (ThinkPad UltraZoom by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  123. pwmewsvc.exe (Power Manager by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  124. awaysch.exe (Away Manager by Lenovo Group Limited)
  125. pwrmgrtr.dll (ThinkPad Power Manager by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  126. tponscr.exe (On Screen Display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  127. schtask.exe (ScheduledTask by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  128. cssauth.exe (Client Security Solution by Lenovo (United States))
  129. tpfnf7sp.exe (Presentation Director by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  130. tphkload.exe (On Screen Display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  131. tphksvc.exe (On Screen Display by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  132. lpl1.exe (ThinkVantage Productivity Center by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  133. pwmidtsv.exe (ThinkPad Power Manager by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  134. tvtsched.exe (tvtsched Module by Lenovo Group Limited)
  135. tvt_reg_monitor_svc.exe (ThinkVantage Technologies by Lenovo (United States))
  136. suservice.exe (ThinkVantage System Update Service by Lenovo Group Limited)
  137. lpmgr.exe (ThinkVantage Productivity Center by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  138. scheduler_proxy.exe (scheduler_proxy Application by Lenovo Group Limited)
  139. pwmtr32v.dll (ThinkPad Power Manager by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
  140. pwmuiaux.exe (Power Manager by Lenovo(Japan)Ltd)
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About (from Lenovo Group Limited at www.lenovo.com)
Lenovo creates and builds exceptionally engineered personal technology, but we are much more than a tech company. We are defining a new way of doing things as a next generation global company. That means we are years ahead of the game in terms of un
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