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Who is Panda Security, S.L.?

Panda Security SL, formerly Panda Software, is a computer security company founded in 1990. Initially centered on the production of antivirus software, the company has expanded its line of applications to include firewall applications, spam and spyware detection applications, cybercrime prevention technology, and other system management and security tools for businesses and home users. Panda's products include security tools for home users and enterprises, including protection against cybercrime and kinds of malware that can damage IT systems, such as spam, hackers, spyware, dialers and undesirable web content, as well as detection of WiFi intrusions. Its trademark technology, branded TruPrevent, is a set of proactive capabilities aimed at blocking unknown viruses and intruders. In the February 2010 tests conducted by AV Comparatives, Panda's detection rate ranked 3rd of the 20 vendors tested, its false positive rate ranked 16th. In March 2010, Panda Security became the first vendor to receive an ICSA certification for a 100% cloud based offering.
Panda Security, S.L. URL: www.pandasecurity.com
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Panda Security, S.L. files

  1. util_ndkservice.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  2. util_systeminfoservice.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  3. plugin_status.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  4. plugin_scheduler.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  5. plugin_notifications.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  6. plugin_ndkconfig.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  7. util_compressionservice.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  8. plugin_diagnosis.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  9. plugin_config.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  10. util_configservice.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  11. commswrapper.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  12. plugin_commands.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  13. util_logservice.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  14. dispatcher.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  15. ndkapi.network.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  16. agentsvc.exe (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  17. pknurl.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  18. pknspam.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  19. pknbufae.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  20. psanurlcounters.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  21. psanmodurl.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  22. syshelper32.dll ( sysHelpe Dynamic Link Library by Panda Security SL)
  23. platasks.exe (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  24. tputil64.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  25. tpsrvaux.exe (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  26. pswlres.dll (Panda 360 2013 by Panda Security SL)
  27. psaui.dll (Panda PSAUI by Panda Security SL)
  28. iface.exe (Panda 360 2012 by Panda Security SL)
  29. npwrapper.dll (Panda ActiveScan 2.0 by Panda Security SL)
  30. tpconf.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  31. pavsinet.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  32. pavsru.dll (TruPrevent by Panda Security SL)
  33. prot5dll.dll (Panda Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  34. pavtplsp.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  35. pavclientnet.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  36. pavkre.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  37. pavprot.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  38. tputil.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  39. pavipc.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  40. pavlsphook.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  41. pavshook.dll (PavSHook Dynamic Link Library by Panda Security SL)
  42. tpsrv.exe (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  43. scanobjs.dll (Panda 360 2013 by Panda Security SL)
  44. psnglkntex.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  45. psnhsh.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  46. psnden.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  47. psndsk.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  48. psnfc.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  49. psnxprs.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  50. psnkrnl.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  51. pscomm.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  52. cisends.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  53. putstr.dll (Panda Utilities System by Panda Security SL)
  54. pskreme.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  55. procprot.dll (PandaShield by Panda Security SL)
  56. inicio.exe (Panda 360 2013 by Panda Security SL)
  57. localsrv.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Software International)
  58. pavoepl.dll (Panda Antispam Trainer by Panda Security SL)
  59. wnmflt.dll (Panda Network Manager by Panda Security SL)
  60. fnetctrl.dll (Panda FNetCtrl by Panda Security SL)
  61. dsaflt.dll (Panda Network Manager by Panda Security SL)
  62. idsflt.dll (Panda Network Manager by Panda Security SL)
  63. apflctrl.dll (Panda Firewall by Panda Security SL)
  64. netflt.dll (Panda Network Manager by Panda Security SL)
  65. pnmsrv.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  66. pavshookwow.dll (PavSHook Dynamic Link Library by Panda Security SL)
  67. pnmapi.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  68. tpconfwow.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  69. pskmfs.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  70. pskads.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  71. putxml.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  72. pskufts.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  73. pavftp.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  74. pavtftp.dll (Panda Residents by Panda Security SL)
  75. pavwmail.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  76. paterctr.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  77. pavnntp.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  78. pavsmtp.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  79. pavsinetwow.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  80. pssarf.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  81. pavmicli.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  82. pavamw.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  83. pavpop3.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  84. icl_trf.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  85. delaywks.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  86. psscoms.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  87. psnengav.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  88. psscan.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  89. pssuts.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  90. pssqem.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  91. pavqs.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  92. pskqhs.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  93. psqmgr.dll (Panda Station Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  94. pskscs.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  95. memvfile.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  96. pskmdfs.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  97. vplatprc.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  98. pavcntrs.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  99. avengdll.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  100. pavtrc64.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  101. pavlsphook64.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  102. syshelper64.dll ( sysHelpe Dynamic Link Library by Panda Security SL)
  103. pavshook64.dll (PavSHook Dynamic Link Library by Panda Security SL)
  104. pavtrc.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  105. pavlsphookwow.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  106. pskahk.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  107. pskavs.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  108. pskfss.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  109. vplatdis.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  110. pskhtml.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  111. pskvm.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  112. pskpack.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  113. pskcmp.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  114. pskas.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  115. prot6dll.dll ( Prot6dll Dynamic Link Library by Panda Security SL)
  116. pavtplspwow.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  117. pavclientnetwow.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  118. pavkrewow.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  119. pavprotwow.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  120. pavtpu.dll (TruPrevent by Panda Security SL)
  121. pskvfile.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  122. psknc.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  123. pskalloc.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  124. icl_mtr.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  125. pavexcfg.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  126. wpapi.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  127. pavsrvdl.dll (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  128. psaeng.dll (PSAEngine by Panda Security SL)
  129. rsdnapi.dll (Panda Solutions by Panda Security SL)
  130. langm5.dll (Panda 360 2011 by Panda Security SL)
  131. utilplat.dll (Panda 360 2012 by Panda Security SL)
  132. scanobjs.dll (Panda 360 2011 by Panda Security SL)
  133. config.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  134. storeman.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  135. psxml.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  136. pavcrc.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  137. pmon16.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  138. procprot.dll (PandaShield by Panda Software International)
  139. pavshld.dll (Panda Shield by Panda Security SL)
  140. pavvt.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  141. pavole.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  142. pavjobs.exe (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  143. pavole64.dll (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  144. pavscrip.exe (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  145. inicio.exe (Panda 360 2011 by Panda Security SL)
  146. srvload.exe (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  147. pavprsrv.exe (PandaShield by Panda Software International)
  148. pavfnsvr.exe (Panda Residents by Panda Security SL)
  149. webproxy.exe (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  150. psctrls.exe (Panda Solutions by Panda Security SL)
  151. avengine.exe (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  152. pavsrvx86.exe (Panda residents by Panda Security SL)
  153. tpsrvwow.exe (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  154. psksvc.exe (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  155. apvxdwin.exe (Panda Retail by Panda Security SL)
  156. psuatranslator.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  157. psuasystrayobject.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  158. psuasystray.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  159. psunpnlconfig.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  160. psccguiutils.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  161. psanlang.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  162. psunresources.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  163. psunutils.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  164. psunconsole.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  165. psualegacyext.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  166. psunconfigstore.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  167. psuainfo.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  168. ndkapi.usbvaccine.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  169. ndkapi.update.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  170. ndkapi.service.info.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  171. ndkapi.service.control.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  172. ndkapi.reports.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  173. ndkapi.quarantine.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  174. ndkapi.prl.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  175. ndkapi.notification.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  176. ndkapi.license.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  177. ndkapi.configuration.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  178. ndkapi.communication.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  179. ndkapi.common.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  180. ndkapi.analysis.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  181. psuawatchdog.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  182. psuaaction.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  183. psuaservicemanager.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  184. psuaadiag.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  185. psuaconfigmgr.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  186. psuautils.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  187. ndkapi.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  188. psncomms.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  189. pskglk.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  190. pskstr.dll (Panda Utilities System by Panda Security SL)
  191. psksqlt.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  192. pskcrt.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  193. pskmadll.dll (Direct Memory Access by Panda Security SL)
  194. pskxs.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  195. psksys.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  196. pskcoord.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  197. psanupgmgr.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  198. psanlivedownloader.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  199. nconv.dll (Nano Network Security by Panda Security SL)
  200. psinevag.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  201. psinenag.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  202. psinapag.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  203. psinunc.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  204. pknedt.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  205. pknmdt.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  206. pknreg.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  207. psenuser.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  208. psenutil.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  209. psenprtglk.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  210. pknsysmw.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  211. psenlog.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  212. psboot.dll (PsBoot Module Library by Panda Security SL)
  213. pknqrt.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  214. psensfl.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  215. psensfn.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  216. psendecs.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  217. psenqmem.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  218. pseniexag.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  219. psenfilter.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  220. pknheu.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  221. pknact.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  222. pknrbt.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  223. pkncmp.dll (BloqueNCMP Dynamic Link Library by Panda Security SL)
  224. psncdsex.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  225. psnfiles.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  226. psncdsvf.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  227. psendsig.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  228. psenhash.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  229. psenobsr.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  230. pknaccess.dll (pksaccess Dynamic Link Library by Panda Security SL)
  231. putczip.dll (Panda Utilities System by Panda Security SL)
  232. psensrf.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  233. psenram.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  234. psenprx.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  235. pknboot.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  236. pknfile.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  237. psncrypt.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  238. psnmuid.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  239. pskfcmp.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  240. pskcrypt.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  241. pkncomms.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  242. pkncomctrl.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  243. pkndtr.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  244. pkndtlt.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  245. pkndtl.dll (Panda Anti-Malware by Panda Security SL)
  246. pknproc.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  247. pknplg.dll (Panda Anti Malware by Panda Security SL)
  248. pskxml.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  249. pskutil.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  250. pkndisk.dll (Panda Anti-malware by Panda Security SL)
  251. psenagent.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  252. psenmgrb.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  253. psenplgb.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  254. psenlc.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  255. psenkrnl.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  256. psanmodadiag.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  257. psanmodprocmon.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  258. psncsysinfo.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  259. psanmodfirewall.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  260. psanmodbrowser.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  261. usbvacinedll.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  262. psanmodusbvac.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  263. psanmodstats.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  264. psanmodrol.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  265. psanmodctrlcfg.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  266. psanmodshield.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  267. psanmodproactive.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  268. psnxml.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  269. psanmodadm.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  270. psanplugavcataloganalysis.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  271. psanliveman.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  272. psanmodav.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  273. psnevts.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  274. psanmodrep.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  275. psanmodbla.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  276. psanmodscheduler.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  277. psanmodcfg.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  278. psanmodnotification.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  279. psncupdmgr.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  280. psncipc.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  281. psanmsrvc.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  282. psncnotifmgr.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  283. psncsa.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  284. psnccfgstore.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  285. psnccfgmgr.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  286. psncgp.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  287. psanmodlive.dll (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
  288. pskalloc.dll (Panda Technologies by Panda Security SL)
  289. psuashell.dll (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  290. psuamain.exe (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  291. psunmain.exe (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  292. psuaservice.exe (Panda Cloud Antivirus by Panda Security SL)
  293. psanhost.exe (Cloud Antivirus Platform by Panda Security SL)
Digital certificates
About (from Panda Security, S.L. at www.pandasecurity.com)
Panda Security is the world’s leading provider of cloud-based security solutions, with products available in more than 23 languages and millions of users located in 195 countries around the world. Panda Security was the first IT security company to h
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