Nvidia specializes in the manufacture of graphics-processor technologies for workstations, desktop computers, and mobile devices. The company, based in Santa Clara, California, is a major supplier of integrated circuits used for personal-computer motherboard chipsets, graphics processing units (GPUs), and game-consoles. GeForce is one of Nvidia’s graphics chipsets. The first GeForce products were designed and marketed for the high-margin computer gamer community, but later the product’s releases expanded the product line to cover all tiers of the graphics market, from low-end to high-end. As of 2008, there have been ten iterations of the design. The Nvidia Quadro is a series of AGP and PCI Express graphics-cards. The cards are usually featured in workstations. The Tesla is the third line of Nvidia’s graphics processing unit (GRU). It’s based on the G80 and Quadro and is NVIDIA’s first dedicated general purpose GPU.
About (from NVIDIA Corporation at www.nvidia.com)
“NVIDIA awakened the world to the power of computer graphics when it invented the GPU in 1999. We have since led the industry with breathtaking graphics on computers ranging from smartphones to game consoles to engineering workstations. Our expertise ”