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Who is National Instruments Corporation?

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National Instruments Corporation files

  1. nisyscfgexpert.dll (NISYSAPI_BUILTIN_EXPERT by National Instruments)
  2. nidiscexp.dll (NISYSAPI_DISCOVERY_EXPERT by National Instruments)
  3. nivisasys.dll (NIVISA_SYSAPI_EXPERT by National Instruments)
  4. nipxisvc.dll (NIPXIINIT by National Instruments)
  5. nipxi_sysapi_expert.dll (NIPXI_SYSAPI_EXPERT by National Instruments)
  6. nipalsys.dll (NIPALSYS by National Instruments)
  7. ptpsysapi.dll (PTPSYSAPI by National Instruments)
  8. deploysvc.dll (DEPLOYSVC by National Instruments)
  9. curlimpl.dll (CURLIMPL by National Instruments)
  10. nissleay32.dll (NISSLEAY by National Instruments)
  11. nilibeay32.dll (NILIBEAY by National Instruments)
  12. nisslinit.dll (NISSLINIT by National Instruments)
  13. niportableregistryremote.dll (NIPORTABLEREGISTRYREMOTE by National Instruments)
  14. nimxdfu.dll (NIMXDF by National Instruments)
  15. nimdbgu.dll (NIMDBG by National Instruments)
  16. niorbu.dll (NIORB by National Instruments)
  17. nipalut.dll (NI-PAL by National Instruments)
  18. nipalu.dll (NI-PAL by National Instruments)
  19. wif_core.dll (WIF_CORE by National Instruments)
  20. rtexecsvc.dll (RTEXECSVC by National Instruments)
  21. lkbrow.dll (LKBROW by National Instruments)
  22. nitaglv.dll (NITAGLV by National Instruments)
  23. qtmanager452_2013.dll (QTMANAGER by National Instruments)
  24. nicpulib.dll (NICPUINFO by National Instruments)
  25. lvrt.dll (National Instruments LabVIEW Run-Time Engine by National Instruments)
  26. nisysapi.dll (NISYSAPI_FRAMEWORK by National Instruments)
  27. nisysapisvc.dll (NISYSAPI_WEBSVC by National Instruments)
  28. sysadminsvc.dll (SYSADMINSVC by National Instruments)
  29. niauthsvc.dll (NIAUTHSVC by National Instruments)
  30. ws_runtime.dll (WS_RUNTIME by National Instruments)
  31. mod_niesp.dll (ESPMODULE by National Instruments)
  32. mod_niauth.dll (NIAUTHMODULE by National Instruments)
  33. niportableregistry.dll (NIPORTABLEREGISTRY by National Instruments)
  34. niauth.dll (NIAUTH by National Instruments)
  35. mod_niregsvc.dll (REGSVCMODULE by National Instruments)
  36. mod_nisessmgr.dll (SESSIONMANAGERMODULE by National Instruments)
  37. mod_niconf.dll (NICONFMODULE by National Instruments)
  38. libpcre.dll (APPWEB_PCRE by National Instruments)
  39. libappwebcore.dll (APPWEB_SOURCE by National Instruments)
  40. libhttp.dll (APPWEB_HTTP by National Instruments)
  41. libmpr.dll (APPWEB_MPR by National Instruments)
  42. libappweb.dll (APPWEB by National Instruments)
  43. tgrdd.dll (TGRDD by National Instruments)
  44. nivisadd.dll (NIVISA_MAX_DATADICTIONARY by National Instruments)
  45. mxsdd.dll (SCS_MXS_DICT by National Instruments)
  46. mxsdb.dll (SCS_MXS_DATABASE by National Instruments)
  47. mxsin.dll (SCS_MXS_IN by National Instruments)
  48. nimxsimp.dll (SCS_MXS_IMPL by National Instruments)
  49. mxssvr.dll (SCS_MXS_SERVER by National Instruments)
  50. ni_tagger_plugin_opcserver.dll (NI_TAGGER_PLUGIN_OPCSERVER by National Instruments)
  51. nirpc.dll (NI-RPC by National Instruments)
  52. mxsout.dll (SCS_MXS_OUT by National Instruments)
  53. nierinterface.dll (NIER_SHARED_INTERFACE by National Instruments)
  54. mxsutils.dll (SCS_MXS_UTILS by National Instruments)
  55. mxs.dll (SCS_MXS_LIBRARY by National Instruments)
  56. ni_tagger_plugin_mxs.dll (NI_TAGGER_PLUGIN_MXS by National Instruments)
  57. nipspxts.dll (NIPSPXTS by National Instruments)
  58. lkproc.dll (LKPROC by National Instruments)
  59. ni_tagger_plugin_logosrtserver.dll (NI_TAGGER_PLUGIN_LOGOSRTSERVER by National Instruments)
  60. lkrealt.dll (LKREALT by National Instruments)
  61. ni_tagger_plugin_logosrtclient.dll (NI_TAGGER_PLUGIN_LOGOSRTCLIENT by National Instruments)
  62. nidscmem.dll (NIDSCMEM by National Instruments)
  63. lkobenv.dll (LKOBENV by National Instruments)
  64. ni_traceengine.dll (NI_TRACEENGINE by National Instruments)
  65. nipxism.exe (NIPXISM by National Instruments)
  66. nierserver.exe (NIER_SERVER by National Instruments)
  67. nilxidiscovery.exe (LXI_DISCOVERY_SERVICE by National Instruments)
  68. nimxs.exe (SCS_MXS_SERVICE by National Instruments)
  69. nisvcloc.exe (NISVCLOC by NITestingCert)
  70. nimdnsresponder.dll (NI_ZEROCONF_CLIENTLIB by National Instruments)
  71. nimdnsnsp.dll (NI_ZEROCONF_NSP by National Instruments)
  72. nimxctrl.dll (SCS_MX_ACTIVEX_CONTROL by National Instruments)
  73. tagsrv.exe (TAGSRV by National Instruments)
  74. systemwebserver.exe (SYSTEMWEBSERVER by National Instruments)
  75. nidiscsvc.exe (NI_DISCOVERY_SERVICE by National Instruments)
  76. nimdnsresponder.exe (NI_ZEROCONF_SERVICE by National Instruments)
  77. applicationwebserver.exe (APPLICATIONWEBSERVER by National Instruments)
  78. nimxs.exe (NIPALSM by National Instruments)
  79. nisvcloc.dll (NISVCLOCDLL by National Instruments)
  80. nilxtcor.dll (NILXTCOR by National Instruments)
  81. lkstime.dll (LKSTIME by National Instruments)
  82. lksec.dll (LKSEC by National Instruments)
  83. lkdynam.dll (LKDYNAM by National Instruments)
  84. lksock.dll (LKSOCK by National Instruments)
  85. nisvcloc.exe (NISVCLOC by National Instruments)
  86. nidm_client_thinauth.dll (NIDM_CLIENT_THINAUTH by National Instruments)
  87. lktsrv.exe (LKTSRV by National Instruments)
  88. nidmsrv.exe (NIDMSRV by National Instruments)
  89. lkads.exe (LKADS by National Instruments)
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