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Who is Yahoo! Inc.?

Yahoo was founded in 1994 by David Filo and Jerry Yang. It has since evolved into a major internet brand with search, content verticals, and other web services. Yahoo! Inc. (Yahoo!), incorporated in 1995, is a global Internet brand. To users, the Company provides owned and operated online properties and services. Yahoo! also extends its marketing platform and access to Internet users beyond Yahoo! Properties through its distribution network of third-party entities (referred to as Affiliates) who have integrated its advertising offerings into their Websites (referred to as Affiliate sites) or their other offerings. To advertisers and publishers, it provides a range of marketing solutions and tools that enable businesses to reach users who visit Yahoo! Properties and its Affiliate sites.
Yahoo! Inc. URL: www.yahoo.com
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Yahoo! Inc. programs

  1. Yahoo! Toolbar

Yahoo! Inc. files

  1. ymmapi20041123.dll (YMMAPI Module by Yahoo!)
  2. ytbb.exe (Yahoo! Toolbar by Yahoo!)
  3. ywcupl.dll (Yahoo! Webcam by Yahoo!)
  4. ywcvwr.dll (Yahoo! Webcam by Yahoo!)
  5. npybrowserplus_2.7.1.dll (BrowserPlus (from Yahoo!) v2.7.1 by Yahoo!)
  6. ymailadvisor.exe (Yahoo! Mail by Yahoo!)
  7. yhexbmes0411.dll (YhExBMes by Yahoo!)
  8. yspservice.exe (Yahoo! Search Protection by Yahoo!)
  9. ymsgr_inst.exe (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  10. yahoomusicengine.exe (Yahoo! Music Jukebox by Yahoo!)
  11. ypagerchecker.dll (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  12. ysp.dll (Yahoo! Search Protection by Yahoo!)
  13. ymmapi.dll (YMMAPI Module by Yahoo!)
  14. ysearchsuggest.dll (Search Suggest by Yahoo!)
  15. ymsgr_suite_setup.exe (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  16. msgr11us.exe (Yahoo! Messenger Suite Install Bootstrapper Setup by Yahoo!)
  17. fdload.dll ( fdLoad Dynamic Link Library by Yahoo!)
  18. yahoomessenger.exe (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  19. ymsgr_tray.exe (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  20. ycomp5_6_0_1.dll (Yahoo! Toolbar 5.6 for Internet Explorer by Yahoo!)
  21. ynanoclient_ie.dll (Yahoo! Axis by Yahoo!)
  22. ynanoservice.exe (Yahoo! NanoClient for IE by Yahoo!)
  23. ytbm.dll (Yahoo! Toolbar Bookmarks Module by Yahoo!)
  24. rmc_video.dll (rmc_video by Yahoo!)
  25. ypagerps1.dll (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  26. yinidom.dll (YIniDom by Yahoo!)
  27. ywxcom.dll (Yahoo! Software Center by Yahoo!)
  28. npybrowserplus_2.9.8.dll (BrowserPlus (from Yahoo!) v2.9.8 by Yahoo!)
  29. yahoowidgets.exe (Yahoo! Widgets by Yahoo!)
  30. ymsdk.dll (ymsdk by Yahoo!)
  31. yv_res.dll (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  32. yvoiceui.dll (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  33. yml.dll (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  34. ypluginregistry.dll (YPluginRegistry by Yahoo!)
  35. ft60.dll (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  36. yiesrvc.dll (IE Services by Yahoo!)
  37. npyaxmpb.dll (Yahoo! activeX Plug-in Bridge by Yahoo!)
  38. yinsthelper.dll (YInstHelper Module by Yahoo!)
  39. ymmapi.exe (Yahoo! Mail by Yahoo!)
  40. ybskin2.dll (Yahoo! Skinning Object by Yahoo!)
  41. yverinfo.dll (Get Version Utility by Yahoo!)
  42. ybcomp.dll (Yahoo! Companion 3.0 for YBrowser by Yahoo!)
  43. yhyab.dll (YhYab Module by Yahoo!)
  44. ymmapi.dll (Yahoo! Mail by Yahoo!)
  45. ycomp5_1_6_0.dll (Yahoo! Companion 5.1 by Yahoo!)
  46. yiesrvc.dll (Yahoo! IE Services by Yahoo!)
  47. ypcservice.exe (YPCService Module by Yahoo!)
  48. ymsgr_tray.exe (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  49. res_msgr.dll (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  50. connectionwizard.dll (ConnectionWizard by Yahoo!)
  51. core_video.dll (core_video by Yahoo!)
  52. ymdm_video.dll (ymdm_video by Yahoo!)
  53. rmc_audio.dll (rmc_audio by Yahoo!)
  54. ymdm_audio.dll (ymdm_audio by Yahoo!)
  55. yalertcenterm.dll (Yahoo! Alert Center by Yahoo!)
  56. ycpssl.dll (YCPSSL by Yahoo!)
  57. rgx.dll (RGX by Yahoo!)
  58. yhttp.dll (YHTTP by Yahoo!)
  59. ymsglite.dll (YMSGLite by Yahoo!)
  60. nspr4.dll (nspr4 by Yahoo!)
  61. ycpfoundation.dll (YCPFoundation by Yahoo!)
  62. ylog.dll (ylog by Yahoo!)
  63. yimage.dll (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  64. ycaplugin.dll (Yahoo! Toolbar Anti-Spy Plug-In by Yahoo!)
  65. ypagerps.dll (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  66. npystate.dll (Yahoo Application State Plugin by Yahoo!)
  67. ytnavassist.dll (Yahoo! Toolbar Nav Assistant plugin by Yahoo!)
  68. yahooauservice.exe (Yahoo! AutoUpdater by Yahoo!)
  69. browserpluscore.exe (BrowserPlusCore by Yahoo!)
  70. yahoomessenger.exe (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  71. ytbb.exe (Yahoo! Toolbar Assistant by Yahoo!)
  72. browserplusprefs.exe (Y! BrowserPlus by Yahoo!)
  73. yt.dll (Yahoo! Toolbar by Yahoo!)
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About (from Yahoo! Inc. at www.yahoo.com)
Founded in 1994 by Stanford PhD candidates David Filo and Jerry Yang as a way for them to keep track of their personal interests on the Internet, Yahoo! has grown into a company that helps people uncover the best of the Web, more easily discover what
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