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ASUSTek Computer Inc. files

  1. plctrl.dll (ASUS Power Level Control DLL by ASUSTeK Computer)
  2. asdwhelp.dll (ATK Package by ASUSTeK Computer)
  3. spdinfo.dll ( SPDInfo Dynamic Link Library by ASUSTeK Computer)
  4. asaphider.exe (AsAutoHide by ASUSTeK Computer)
  5. iseriescharge.exe (AppleCharger by ASUSTeK Computer)
  6. eee docking.exe (Eee Docking Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
  7. aspatchviaaudio.exe (AsPatchViaAudio by ASUSTeK Computer)
  8. synptsync64.exe (ATK Hotkey by ASUSTeK Computer)
  9. astray.exe (AsTray by AsusTeK Computer)
  10. asdrnotify.exe (Desktop by ASUSTeK Computer)
  11. asussetup.exe (AsusSetup by ASUSTeK Computer)
  12. askeysuite.exe (ASUSTeK Computer Inc. by ASUSTeK Computer)
  13. fontlibrary.dll (FontLibrary by ASUSTeK Computer)
  14. asusmaxxaudiocontrol.dll (ASUSMaxxAudioControl by ASUSTeK Computer)
  15. asustouchpadcontrol.dll (ASUSTouchPadControl by ASUSTeK Computer)
  16. vivobookresource.dll (VivoBookResource by ASUSTeK Computer)
  17. coloruservice.exe (ColorU by ASUSTeK Computer)
  18. asuswakeupservice.exe (ASUS Wakeup Service by ASUSTeK Computer)
  19. vivobook.exe (VivoBook by ASUSTeK Computer)
  20. aspatchtouchpanel64.exe (AsPatchTouchPanel by ASUSTeK Computer)
  21. v0419.dll (V0419 by ASUSTeK Computer)
  22. atkdx10dispx.dll (ASUSTeK D3D10 drivers by ASUSTeK Computer)
  23. xgctl.dll (OC Gear by ASUSTek Computer)
  24. atkfusservice.exe (ASUS Fast User Switch Service by ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC)
  25. install.exe (ASUS InstAll by ASUSTeK Computer)
  26. v040c.dll (V040C by ASUSTeK Computer)
  27. asathenoshelper.dll (MB by ASUSTeK Computer)
  28. asftp.dll (AsFtp Dynamic Link Library by ASUSTeK Computer)
  29. wlanmgr.exe (Wireless Lan Control Manager by ASUSTek COMPUTER INC)
  30. aspfsvs64.exe (ASUSPlat by ASUSTeK Computer)
  31. browserextension.dll (ASUS Browser Extension by ASUSTeK Computer)
  32. browserextension64.dll (ASUS Browser Extension by ASUSTeK Computer)
  33. purethemeres.dll (ATKOSD2 by ASUSTeK Computer)
  34. fanchksrv.exe (ASUS Fan Filter Checker by ASUSTeK Computer)
  35. aimanager.exe (AI Manager by ASUSTeK Computer)
  36. aacenter.exe (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  37. sixengine.exe (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  38. hotkeymon.exe (AsEPCMon by ASUSTeK Computer)
  39. ocprofile.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  40. turbokey.exe (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  41. qfanhelp.exe (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  42. metroinfo.dll (ATK Media by ASUSTeK Computer)
  43. asldrsrv.exe (ATK Hotkey by ASUSTeK Computer)
  44. dmedia.exe (ATK Media by ASUSTeK Computer)
  45. kbfiltr.exe (ATK Hotkey by ASUSTeK Computer)
  46. aoverclk.dll (ASUS OverClock DLL by ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC)
  47. upnpxmlparse.dll (UPnPXMLP by ASUSTeK Computer)
  48. dlnahelper.dll (ASUS by ASUSTeK Computer)
  49. wifi.dll (Wi-Fi Engine Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
  50. charger.dll (USB Charger by ASUSTek Computer)
  51. biosflk.dll (USB BIOS Flashback by ASUSTeK Computer)
  52. netsvchelpentry.exe (NetSvcHelpEntry by ASUSTeK Computer)
  53. wifiletransfer.exe (WiFil GO! File Transfer by ASUSTeK Computer)
  54. asdlnaserverreal.exe (ASUS by ASUSTeK Computer)
  55. netsvchelp.exe (Network Service Help by ASUSTeK Computer)
  56. netictrltray.exe (NetiCtrlTray by ASUSTeK Computer)
  57. wifi go! server.exe (ASUS WiFi GO! Server by ASUSTeK Computer)
  58. updatechecker.exe (UpdateChecker Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
  59. asloader.exe (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  60. aahm.exe (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  61. asacpisvr.exe (AsAcpiSvr.exe by ASUSTeK Computer)
  62. alvupdt.dll (ASUS Live Update core DLL by ASUSTek Computer)
  63. adsmtray.exe (ADSMTray by ASUSTeK Computer)
  64. asussender.exe (AsusSender by ASUSTeK Computer)
  65. atkdispcpl.dll (ASUS Display Property Page by ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC)
  66. gamerosd.exe (ASUS GamerOSD by ASUSTeK Computer)
  67. superhybridengine.exe (Eee Super Hybrid Engine by ASUSTeK Computer)
  68. adsmcredentialprovider.dll (ADSM Credential Provider by ASUSTek Computer)
  69. v0804.dll (V0804 by ASUSTeK Computer)
  70. usbchargerplus.exe (USB Charger+ by ASUSTeK Computer)
  71. quickgesture.dll (ASUS Quick Gesture DLL by ASUSTeK Computer)
  72. wavethemeres.dll (ATKOSD2 by ASUSTeK Computer)
  73. quickgesture64.dll (ASUS Quick Gesture DLL by ASUSTeK Computer)
  74. quickgesture.exe (ASUS Quick Gesture Exe by ASUSTeK Computer)
  75. usbchargerplus.exe (ASUS USB Charger Plus by ASUSTeK Computer)
  76. quickgesture64.exe (ASUS Quick Gesture Exe by ASUSTeK Computer)
  77. wcourier.exe (Wireless Console 3 by ASUSTeK Computer)
  78. fanxpert2.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  79. digipowercontrol.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  80. icchelper_old.dll (TODO: by ASUSTeK Computer)
  81. turbovhelp.exe (TurboVHelp by ASUSTeK Computer)
  82. powercontrolhelp.exe (Digi+ Power Control Help by ASUSTeK Computer)
  83. asusfancontrolservice.exe (ASUS Motherboard Fan Control Service by ASUSTeK Computer)
  84. fourengine.exe (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  85. turbov.exe (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  86. aichargerplus.exe (AiChargerPlus Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
  87. atkkbservice.exe (ASUS Keyboard Service by ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC)
  88. adsmendecext.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  89. adsmsrv.exe ( ADSMSrv by ASUSTek Computer)
  90. express.dll (USB 3.0 Boost by ASUSTeK Computer)
  91. turbovevo.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  92. systeminfo.dll (System Information by ASUSTeK Computer)
  93. fanxpert.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  94. epu.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  95. digivrm.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  96. cpufrequency.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  97. update.dll (ASUSUpdate dll file by ASUSTek Computer)
  98. asmultilang.dll ( AsMultiL Dynamic Link Library by ASUSTeK Computer)
  99. icchelper.dll (TODO: by ASUSTeK Computer)
  100. asus mobilink.exe (ASUS Mobilink by ASUSTeK Computer)
  101. u3boostsvr64.exe (USB 3.0 Boost Service by ASUSTeK Computer)
  102. asusfancontrolservice.exe (ASUS Motherboard Fan Control Service by ASUSTeK Computer)
  103. asshellprocess.exe (All Project by ASUSTeK Computer)
  104. pnsvc.exe (ASUS Mobilink by ASUSTeK Computer)
  105. vrmhelp.exe (Digi+VRM Help by ASUSTeK Computer)
  106. ai suite ii.exe (AI Suite II by ASUSTeK Computer)
  107. alerthelper.exe (AlertHelper by ASUSTeK Computer)
  108. turbovhelp.exe (TurboVHelp by ASUSTeK Computer)
  109. assysctrlservice.exe (AsSysCtr Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
  110. asacpiex.dll (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  111. hookkeyhelper.dll (ASUS models by ASUSTeK Computer)
  112. asrunbkwizardhelper.exe (ASUS Backup Wizard by ASUSTeK Computer)
  113. aahmsvc.exe (by ASUSTeK Computer)
  114. epuhelp.exe (EPUHelp by ASUSTeK Computer)
  115. asroutinecontroller.exe (ASUS Routine Controller by ASUSTeK Computer)
  116. asinstanton.exe (Desktop by ASUSTeK Computer)
  117. ashookdevice.exe (DeviceHandle by ASUSTeK Computer)
  118. asshellapplication.exe (All Project by ASUSTeK Computer)
  119. alu.exe (ALU Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
  120. aichargerap.exe (AiChargerAP Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
  121. liveupdate.exe (LiveUpdate by ASUSTeK Computer)
  122. ooberegbackup.exe (OOBERegBackup Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
  123. hotkeymon.exe (HotkeyMon by ASUSTeK Computer)
  124. hotkeyservice.exe (HotkeyService.exe by ASUSTeK Computer)
  125. airecoveryremind.exe (AI Recovery by ASUSTeK Computer)
  126. aprp.exe (APRP by ASUSTeK Computer)
  127. asusvibelauncher.exe (AsusVibe Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
  128. atkosd2.exe (ATKOSD2 by ASUSTeK Computer)
  129. fbagent.exe (AFBAgent by ASUSTeK Computer)
  130. sensorsrv.exe (ASUS FaceLogon by ASUSTeK Computer)
  131. hcontrol.exe (ATK Hotkey by ASUSTeK Computer)
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