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Who is COMODO?

Comodo Group, Inc. is a privately held group of companies providing computer software and SSL digital certificates, based in Jersey City, New Jersey, in the United States. The Comodo companies offer many free products through their website, available for public download. Most notable of Comodo's free products is the Comodo Internet Security freeware program, incorporating Comodo's firewall, Comodo Firewall Pro, Host Intrusion Prevention System and antivirus. Other Comodo branded freeware security tools include an anti-malware tool, and a memory firewall, free software that protects against over 90% of buffer overflow attacks. For an additional fee, Comodo product users can subscribe to Comodo's computer cleaning and optimizing services for real-time computer assistance. Comodo also offers Comodo System Cleaner, which includes a free registry cleaner program, Comodo Unite (formerly EasyVPN), a virtual private networking (VPN) program, and Comodo SecureEmail, an email encryption program that allows S/MIME email users to send emails to any email user without exchanging keys beforehand. These products come in both a limited free version and a more functional professional release. Comodo Internet Security (CIS) is available in four editions: Comodo Internet Security (the standard edition), Comodo Internet Security Plus, Comodo Internet Security Pro and Comodo Internet Security Complete. All editions contain a personal firewall which prevents unauthorized communication with the Internet, an antivirus that seeks and eliminates malicious software and the Defense+ monitors software for suspicious behavior and can sandbox certain programs, thus preventing them from making permanent changes to the system.
COMODO URL: www.comodo.com
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COMODO programs

  1. Comodo Dragon

COMODO files

  1. clpsla.exe (COMODO GeekBuddy by Comodo Security Solutions)
  2. clps.exe (COMODO GeekBuddy by Comodo Security Solutions)
  3. clpsls.exe (COMODO livePCsupport by Comodo Security Solutions)
  4. dragon_child.dll (Comodo Dragon by Comodo Security Solutions)
  5. cmdstat.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  6. cmdurlflt.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  7. cmdscope.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  8. cos-core-lib.dll (COMODO Common by Comodo Security Solutions)
  9. dragon_setup.exe (Comodo Dragon by Comodo Security Solutions)
  10. cmdupd.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  11. cmdvrt64.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  12. mach32.dll (COMODO Cleaning Essentials by Comodo Security Solutions)
  13. pkann.dll (COMODO Cleaning Essentials by Comodo Security Solutions)
  14. signmgr.dll (COMODO Cleaning Essentials by Comodo Security Solutions)
  15. platform.dll (COMODO Cleaning Essentials by Comodo Security Solutions)
  16. framework.dll (COMODO Cleaning Essentials by Comodo Security Solutions)
  17. cce.dll (COMODO Cleaning Essentials by Comodo Security Solutions)
  18. cce.exe (COMODO Cleaning Essentials by Comodo Security Solutions)
  19. cmdupdps.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  20. cavwpps.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  21. cmdcloud.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  22. cmdtrust.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  23. cmdboost.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  24. cmdavcen.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  25. cmdcfg.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  26. cmdcomps.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  27. cfpconfg.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  28. cmdvirth.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  29. cavwp.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  30. cis.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  31. cistray.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  32. compmgr.dll (COMODO Cloud AntiVirus by COMODO)
  33. framework.dll (COMODO Cloud AntiVirus by COMODO)
  34. cross_platform.dll (COMODO Cloud AntiVirus by COMODO)
  35. cfpupdat.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  36. guard64.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  37. crashrep.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  38. distribution.dll (Comodo Dragon by Comodo Security Solutions)
  39. cmdcsr.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  40. dragon.dll (Comodo Dragon by Comodo Security Solutions)
  41. dragon.exe (Comodo Dragon by Comodo Security Solutions)
  42. rkdhive.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  43. rkdntfs.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  44. rkdenum.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  45. mach32.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  46. pkann.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  47. signmgr.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  48. platform.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  49. rkdscan.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  50. framework.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  51. guard32.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  52. cmdhtml.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  53. cavshell.dll (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  54. cmdagent.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  55. cfplogvw.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
  56. cfp.exe (COMODO Internet Security by Comodo Security Solutions)
Digital certificates
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About (from COMODO at www.comodo.com)
Our dependence on computers and the Internet grows with each passing day, and so, too, does our vulnerability. Daily news reports confirm a clear and present danger confronting all Internet users from ever-growing and evolving malware (a collective t
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