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What is the ArcSoft digital certificate?

The main purpose of the digital certificate is to ensure that the application belongs to the entity to which the certificate was issued. The ArcSoft digital certificate does not guarantee that a signed application is safe to run, but rather informs the user that the software was digitally signed by ArcSoft and verified by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
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ArcSoft Certificate Authority (CA): VeriSign

Files signed with the ArcSoft digital certificate

  1. arcsyncipc.dll (ArcSoft WebCam Sharing Manager by ArcSoft)
  2. videoplugin.dll (ArcSoft WebCam Sharing Manager by ArcSoft)
  3. acdaemon.exe (ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft)
  4. acservice.exe (ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft)
  5. rctxmlbase.dll (Rocket Framework XML Parser by ArcSoft)
  6. adavac3dec.dll (ArcSoft AC3Declib by ArcSoft)
  7. udtrun.exe (ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 3 by ArcSoft)
  8. showbiz.exe (ShowBiz 5 by ArcSoft)
  9. mipieffectthemeres.dll (MIPIEffectThemeRes by ArcSoft)
  10. mipieffectext2res.dll (MIPIEffectExt2Res by ArcSoft)
  11. fwarp.dll (Face Warper by ArcSoft)
  12. khas.dll (Khas Motion by ArcSoft)
  13. arcavt.dll (ArcSoft Avatar by ArcSoft)
  14. mipieffectres.dll (MIPIEffectRes by ArcSoft)
  15. distort.dll (by ArcSoft)
  16. mipieffectext1res.dll (MIPIEffectExt1Res by ArcSoft)
  17. aglswf.dll (by ArcSoft)
  18. umipimgr.dll (MIPIMgr by ArcSoft)
  19. mjpegencoderdll.dll (ArcSoft MJPEG Encoder Dll by ArcSoft)
  20. mjpeglib.dll (ArcSoft MJPGLib by ArcSoft)
  21. magicires.dll (ArcSoft Magic-i Visual Eeffects Resource File by ArcSoft)
  22. settingdecryption.dll (ArcSoft Encrypt & Decrypt Set File by ArcSoft)
  23. umsghook.dll (by ArcSoft)
  24. colortrack.dll (by ArcSoft)
  25. umgieffectcore.dll (uMgiEffectCore.dll by ArcSoft)
  26. magic-i visual effects.exe (ArcSoft Magic-i Visual Effects by ArcSoft)
  27. acdbgrpt.dll (ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft)
  28. arcsoft photo book screen saver.scr (ArcSoft Photo Book Screen Saver by ArcSoft)
  29. arcurlrecord.dll (ArcSoft Video Downloader by ArcSoft)
  30. arcwmdmmgrcom.dll (ArcSoft WMDM Manager by ArcSoft)
  31. portabledevice.dll (PortableDevice by ArcSoft)
  32. maguiimage.dll (ArcSoft MagUIImage by ArcSoft)
  33. magtools.dll (Tools by ArcSoft)
  34. magfileio.dll (file i/o by ArcSoft)
  35. magpltfm.dll (ArcSoft magPltfm by ArcSoft)
  36. magengin.dll (magengin by ArcSoft)
  37. managerui.dll (by ArcSoft)
  38. asxmltool.dll (ArcSoft HomeRun Server SDK by ArcSoft)
  39. astransmgr.dll (ArcSoft HomeRun Server SDK by ArcSoft)
  40. asdbtool.dll (ArcSoft HomeRun Server SDK by ArcSoft)
  41. umediamanager.dll (UMediaManager Dynamic Link Library by ArcSoft)
  42. dhserveragent.dll (ArcSoft DHServerAgent by ArcSoft)
  43. arcbmh.dll (Balloon Message Helper by ArcSoft)
  44. endpointctrl.dll ( EndPoint Dynamic Link Library by ArcSoft)
  45. dataservice.dll (DataService by ArcSoft)
  46. dmsadapter.dll (ArcSoft HomeRun Server SDK by ArcSoft)
  47. qtxml4.dll (Qt4 by ArcSoft)
  48. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by ArcSoft)
  49. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by ArcSoft)
  50. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by ArcSoft)
  51. stageremoteservice.exe (Stage Remote Service by ArcSoft)
  52. stageremote.exe (Stage Remote Manager by ArcSoft)
  53. uempiaremote.dll (by ArcSoft)
  54. uadsnewremote.dll (by ArcSoft)
  55. rmcard.dll (by ArcSoft)
  56. res_monitor.dll (ArcSoft Res Monitor DLL by ArcSoft)
  57. removabledevice.dll (RemovableDevice by ArcSoft)
  58. umediaevr.dll (MediaEVR by ArcSoft)
  59. toolsctrl.dll (ArcSoft Tools Control by ArcSoft)
  60. imgctrl.dll (Image Controls by ArcSoft)
  61. kgl.dll (by ArcSoft)
  62. toolsctrl.dll (ArcSoft Tools Control by ArcSoft)
  63. magtools.dll (ArcSoft magTools by ArcSoft)
  64. magfileio.dll (ArcSoft magFileIO by ArcSoft)
  65. magengin.dll (ArcSoft magengin by ArcSoft)
  66. imgctrl.dll (Image control by ArcSoft)
  67. umediaexport.dll (MediaExport by ArcSoft)
  68. uvdibtool.dll (arcsoft VDibTool by ArcSoft)
  69. umediaimport.dll (MediaImport by ArcSoft)
  70. udxpubtool.dll (DXPubTool by ArcSoft)
  71. umediaclub.dll (MediaClub by ArcSoft)
  72. fpxlib.dll (Reference Implementation by ArcSoft)
  73. uezdll.dll (EzDll.dll by ArcSoft)
  74. uafcrc.dll (AfcRC by ArcSoft)
  75. upiapi.dll (by ArcSoft)
  76. monitormgr.dll ( WindowsMobile by ArcSoft)
  77. usche.dll (arcsoft uSche by ArcSoft)
  78. udvdifo.dll (Arcsoft DvdIfo by ArcSoft)
  79. ualignsplit.dll (AlignSplit by ArcSoft)
  80. mslup60.dll (Sample Application DLL by ArcSoft)
  81. mslurt.dll (Sample Application DLL by ArcSoft)
  82. uafc.dll (Afc by ArcSoft)
  83. udiscclub.dll (DiscClub by ArcSoft)
  84. ulaunchtmt5.exe (ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 5 by ArcSoft)
  85. photoimport.exe (Photo Import by ArcSoft)
  86. photoplus.exe (ArcSoft Photo+ by ArcSoft)
  87. ulaunchtmt5.exe (ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre 5 by ArcSoft)
  88. tm server.exe (TM Server by ArcSoft)
  89. esipm3.dll (ArcSoft IPM3 by ArcSoft)
  90. rctsqbase.dll (ArcSoft RctSQbase by ArcSoft)
  91. httpagent.dll (ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft)
  92. esinter.exe (ArcSoft Intouch by ArcSoft)
  93. eservutil.exe (ArcSoft Intouch by ArcSoft)
  94. totalmedia.exe (TotalMedia by ArcSoft)
  95. tmmonitor.exe (TMMonitor by ArcSoft)
  96. arcvcapture.dll (ArcSoft Magic-i by ArcSoft)
  97. vdgraph.dll (ArcVCapture by ArcSoft)
  98. tmextreme.exe (ArcSoft TotalMedia Extreme by ArcSoft)
  99. uarccapture.exe (ArcVCapture by ArcSoft)
  100. eservutil.exe (ArcSoft Intouch by ArcSoft)
  101. arccon.dll (ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft)
  102. magpltfm.dll (ArcSoft magPltfm by ArcSoft)
  103. maguiimage.dll (ArcSoft MagUIImage by ArcSoft)
  104. maguiinter.dll (ArcSoft MagUIInter by ArcSoft)
  105. maguicommonet.dll (ArcSoft MagUICommonET by ArcSoft)
  106. maguiengine.dll (ArcSoft MagUIEngine by ArcSoft)
  107. maguicommon.dll (ArcSoft MagUICommon by ArcSoft)
  108. magpcmac.dll (ArcSoft MagPCMac by ArcSoft)
  109. magcore.dll (ArcSoft MagCore by ArcSoft)
  110. tmextreme.exe (ArcSoft TotalMedia Suite by ArcSoft)
  111. arcsoftksufilter.dll (ArcSoft Magic-i Plus by ArcSoft)
  112. arcbmhe.dll (Balloon Message Helper by ArcSoft)
  113. mediaimpression.exe (ArcSoft MediaImpression by ArcSoft)
  114. arccon.ac (ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft)
  115. ucammonitor.exe (MgiSvr by ArcSoft)
  116. acdaemon.exe (ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft)
  117. acservice.exe (ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft)
Pubishers signed by ArcSoft
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