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What is the Sony Corporation digital certificate?

The main purpose of the digital certificate is to ensure that the application belongs to the entity to which the certificate was issued. The Sony Corporation digital certificate does not guarantee that a signed application is safe to run, but rather informs the user that the software was digitally signed by Sony Corporation and verified by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
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Sony Corporation Certificate Authorities (CA): Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd., VeriSign

Files signed with the Sony Corporation digital certificate

  1. manageusbdevicebl.dll (ManageUSBDeviceBL by Sony)
  2. solution.updater.exe (Solution.Updater by Sony)
  3. deploycrmflag.exe (DeployCRMflag by Sony)
  4. contenttransfer.exe (Content Transfer by Sony)
  5. mrsmtamarshall.dll (MrsMTAMarshall by Sony)
  6. mrscommon.dll (MrsCommon by Sony)
  7. upnpdevice.dll (UPnPDevice by Sony)
  8. vessoundeffect.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  9. veskbstatus.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  10. sussoundproxy.exe (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  11. vim.exe (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  12. solution.powershellbl.dll (Solution.PowerShellBL by Sony)
  13. solution.schedulerbl.dll (Solution.SchedulerBL by Sony)
  14. dotnetrdf.dll (dotNetRDF.Core by Sony)
  15. solution.servicecore.dll (Solution.ServiceCore by Sony)
  16. solution.inferenceenginecore.dll (Solution.InferenceEngineCore by Sony)
  17. solution.types.dll (Solution.Types by Sony)
  18. solution.inferenceenginebl.dll (Solution.InferenceEngineBL by Sony)
  19. processbridgebl.dll (ProcessBridgeBL by Sony)
  20. httpupdatebl.dll (HttpUpdate by Sony)
  21. vcrescuemetricsbl.dll (VCRescueMetricsBL by Sony)
  22. sohdmssr.dll (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  23. upnpdevice.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  24. upnpdescinfo.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  25. soaputil.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  26. httpmsg.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  27. httpclnt.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  28. mrsmtamarshall.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  29. httpsvr.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  30. mrscommon.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  31. upnpcp.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  32. wbcbatterycare.exe (VAIO Event Service by Sony)
  33. npebldetectmoz.dll (Reader Library by Sony)
  34. vaiocaremain.exe (VAIO Care by Sony)
  35. vbtkbutil.exe (Remote Keyboard with PlayStation®3 by Sony)
  36. rw.dll (SDK for FeliCa Ver.2.0.3 by Sony)
  37. felica.dll (SDK for FeliCa Ver.2.0.3 by Sony)
  38. vpmlm.exe (VAIO Personalization Manager Interface by Sony)
  39. pyv.exe (Prepare your VAIO by Sony)
  40. sohplmgr.exe (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  41. sohdbsvr.exe (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  42. collectpotdatabl.dll (CollectPOTDataBL by Sony)
  43. sohdtcpb.dll (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  44. shsresource.dll (VAIO Media Server Settings by Sony)
  45. vesbackup.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  46. vcfwsohplugin.dll (VCFwSOHPlugin by Sony)
  47. vcwebserver.exe (VCWebServer by Sony)
  48. vconeclick.exe (VCOneClick by Sony)
  49. sohplmgr.exe (VAIO Media plus Platform by Sony)
  50. sohdbsvr.exe (VAIO Media plus Platform by Sony)
  51. vmpttray.exe (VAIO Media plus by Sony)
  52. lifeflow.scr (LifeFLOW by Sony)
  53. vcautomodeentrance.exe (AutoModeEntrance by Sony)
  54. vwset.exe (VWSet.exe by Sony)
  55. sohds.exe (VAIO Media plus Platform by Sony)
  56. sohdms.exe (VAIO Media plus Platform by Sony)
  57. sohcimp.exe (VAIO Media plus Platform by Sony)
  58. vaiocare.common.dll (VAIOCare.Common by Sony)
  59. vuvc64.dll (VAIO Update by Sony)
  60. vussu64.dll (VAIO Update by Sony)
  61. vuagentps64.dll (VUAgentPS by Sony)
  62. snyhdrcv.dll (SNYHDRCV Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  63. wimfilecontroller.dll (WimFileController Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  64. spc.dll ( Sony/AC開発部 spc by Sony)
  65. opcdsplay.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  66. omgapdeliverymanagercomp.dll (OmgApDeliveryManagerComp Module by Sony)
  67. ssencmp3.dll (SonicStage by Sony)
  68. omgpdlocker.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  69. icd.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  70. omgcolog.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  71. omgpdman.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  72. xcoreaudio.dll (XCoreAudio by Sony)
  73. helphelper.dll (HelpHelper by Sony)
  74. ssvdbman.dll (SsDbMan Module by Sony)
  75. ssvappdbman.dll (SonicStage by Sony)
  76. opcdvf.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  77. migratetogm.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  78. opcmp4.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  79. id3parser.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  80. opcds.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  81. opcwmaex.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  82. opcwavex.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  83. omgpcman.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  84. salwrap.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  85. omgutils_base.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  86. omgconfig.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  87. omgutils.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  88. pfcom.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  89. omgmisc.dll (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  90. ojbaccount.dll (SonicStage by Sony)
  91. ssimageres.dll (SonicStage by Sony)
  92. soundorganizerres_enu.dll (SonicStage by Sony)
  93. sscustom.dll (SsCustom by Sony)
  94. mesos.dll (Mesos Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  95. si.dll (Si by Sony)
  96. rgraph.dll (RGraph by Sony)
  97. rbasis.dll (RBasis by Sony)
  98. items.dll (Items by Sony)
  99. extappinvoker.dll (ExtAppInvoker Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  100. metricsapi.dll (MetricsAPI by Sony)
  101. trendmicrovsbl.dll (TrendMicroVS by Sony)
  102. vescolormgr.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  103. vesstaminaswitch.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  104. vesgfxmgr.exe (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  105. libjpegdll.dll (PlayMemories Home by Sony)
  106. pmb_sdk.dll (PlayMemories Home by Sony)
  107. vcminsenginemmd.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Network Service Manager by Sony)
  108. vaiogateshellext.dll (VAIOGateShellExt by Sony)
  109. softwarehubpl.dll (SoftwareHub by Sony)
  110. xperia link.exe (Xperia Link by Sony)
  111. informationcheck.exe (VAIO Hardware Diagnostics by Sony)
  112. shttray.exe (VAIO Media plus by Sony)
  113. usbdetector.dll (by Sony)
  114. readerapphelper.dll (by Sony)
  115. prsctr.dll ( prsctr by Sony)
  116. ebookusb.dll (by Sony)
  117. ebookdevicenotifier.dll (by Sony)
  118. ticket.dll (by Sony)
  119. fsktimehardware.dll (by Sony)
  120. fskmobilemediadevice.dll (by Sony)
  121. fsknetinterface.dll (by Sony)
  122. fskpower.dll (by Sony)
  123. fskdocumentvieweradobe.dll (Embedded PDF/EPUB Viewer for eBook Library by Sony)
  124. fskdocumentviewer.dll (by Sony)
  125. fskinlocalize.dll (by Sony)
  126. fskin.dll (by Sony)
  127. fskmediaplayers.dll (by Sony)
  128. ssleay32.dll (The OpenSSL Toolkit by Sony)
  129. libeay32.dll (The OpenSSL Toolkit by Sony)
  130. readerapphelper.exe (Reader Application Helper by Sony)
  131. vcmialzenginesface.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  132. setup.exe (VAIO Update by Sony)
  133. spudownloadmanagerinst.exe (by Sony)
  134. vzhardwareresourcemanager.exe (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  135. vaiocareservice.exe (VAIO Care by Sony)
  136. vaioutility.dll (VAIOUtility Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  137. installationtools.dll (Installa Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  138. installdb.dll (InstallD Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  139. vaioinstallappsdrivers.dll (VAIOInst Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  140. xmltools.dll (XMLTools Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  141. recoverypartitionmanager.dll (Recovery Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  142. pluginfactory.dll (PluginFa Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  143. osservices.dll (OsServic Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  144. vaiocommon.dll (VAIOCommon Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  145. logging.dll (Logging Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  146. vaiorecovery.dll (VAIOReco Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  147. managedvaiorecoverymedia.dll (ManagedV Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  148. vaiocareupdatebl.dll (VAIOCareUpdateBL by Sony)
  149. vaiocareupdatecommonbl.dll (VAIOCareUpdateCommon by Sony)
  150. genericvaiocareremindersbl.dll (GenericVAIOCareRemindersBL by Sony)
  151. batterycheckbl.dll (BatteryCheckBL by Sony)
  152. selfheal.dll (SelfHeal by Sony)
  153. selfhealapi.dll (SelfHealAPI by Sony)
  154. selfhealbl.dll (SelfHealBL by Sony)
  155. aboutvaiohubpl.dll (AboutVAIOHub by Sony)
  156. notificationpl.dll (NotificationPL by Sony)
  157. metricspl.dll (MetricsPL by Sony)
  158. metricsmethod.dll (MetricsMethod by Sony)
  159. metricsapi.dll (MetricsAPI by Sony)
  160. metricsbl.dll (Metrics by Sony)
  161. vcsystemtray.resources.dll (VCSystemTray by Sony)
  162. internetwrapperps.dll (VAIO Update by Sony)
  163. shellexeproxy.exe (VAIO Update by Sony)
  164. vuagentps.dll (VAIO Update by Sony)
  165. vmswitch.exe (VAIO Mode Switch by Sony)
  166. lanutil.exe (LANUtil.exe by Sony)
  167. vgnet.dll (VAIO Gate by Sony)
  168. notificationwrapper.dll (NotificationWrapper by Sony)
  169. taptrigger.dll (TapTrigger by Sony)
  170. upnpcpprotocol.dll (Mrs by Sony)
  171. spfdbengine.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  172. vzcdblocaldb.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  173. vuagentps.dll (VUAgentPS by Sony)
  174. vcmialzenginecm.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  175. vcmialzengineharp.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  176. vcmialzengineepg.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  177. vcmialzenginedtvdata.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  178. vcmialzenginegps.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  179. vcmialzenginevmlib2.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  180. vcmialzenginevideoprop.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  181. vcmialzengineavmarkerd.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  182. vcmialzenginepmd.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  183. vcmialzenginesface.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  184. vcmialzenginethumbnaild.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Manager by Sony)
  185. vcmialzenginephotoalt.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  186. vcmialzenginemmlib.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  187. vcmialzenginethumbnail.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  188. vcmialzenginemmd.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Manager by Sony)
  189. vcmxmlifhelper.exe (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  190. vcmmgrnotification.exe (VAIO Content Metadata Manager by Sony)
  191. elbserver.exe (by Sony)
  192. spfservice.exe (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  193. vrlphelper.exe (Media Gallery by Sony)
  194. vpmifpav.exe (VAIO Personalization Manager Interface by Sony)
  195. soundorganizer.exe (Sound Organizer by Sony)
  196. pacsptisvr.exe (Sony Media Library Earth by Sony)
  197. spuvolumewatcher.exe (PMB by Sony)
  198. contenttransferwmdetector.exe (Content Transfer Walkman Detector by Sony)
  199. vuagentps64.dll (VAIO Update by Sony)
  200. spmpanel.dll (VAIO Power Management by Sony)
  201. vusr.exe (VAIO Update by Sony)
  202. vpmlm.exe (VAIO Personalization Manager by Sony)
  203. wbcbatterycare.exe (WBCBatteryCare by Sony)
  204. sohdms.exe (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  205. vcspt.exe (VAIOCare Application by Sony)
  206. ves3dcontrol.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  207. vesautodimmer2.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  208. vesnaked3dcontrol.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  209. vesperformanceswitch.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  210. vesquicktv.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  211. vestvpc.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  212. vesbaseps.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  213. networksupport.exe (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  214. networkclient.exe (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  215. vuagent.exe (VAIO Update by Sony)
  216. ssscsisv.exe (SonicStage by SONY)
  217. ssbesvc.exe (SonicStage Back-End Service by SONY)
  218. vgdam.dll (VAIO Gate by Sony)
  219. vaiogatenotifications.dll (VAIOGateNotifications by Sony)
  220. spmdrv.dll (VAIO Power Management by Sony)
  221. spmdam.dll (VAIO Power Management by Sony)
  222. omgjbox.exe (SonicStage by Sony)
  223. vcsw.exe (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  224. switcher.exe (Wireless Switch Setting Utility by Sony)
  225. spmgr.exe (VAIO Power Management by Sony)
  226. updatecheckapi.dll (UpdateCheckAPI.dll by Sony)
  227. vaiointegrations.dll (VAIOIntegrations by Sony)
  228. iolobl.dll (IoloBL by Sony)
  229. vcadmin.resources.dll (VCAdmin by Sony)
  230. metricsphilatelistapi.dll (MetricsPhilatelistAPI by Sony)
  231. taskscheduler.dll (TaskSche Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  232. managemyupdateapi.dll (ManageMyUpdateAPI by Sony)
  233. managemyupdatebl.dll (ManageMyUpdateBL by Sony)
  234. uploadmanagerbl.dll (UploadManagerBL by Sony)
  235. managemysoftwareapi.dll (ManageMySoftwareAPI by Sony)
  236. managemysoftwarebl.dll (ManageMySoftwareBL by Sony)
  237. solveapi.dll (SolveAPI by Sony)
  238. solvebl.dll (SolveBL by Sony)
  239. downloadmanagerbl.dll (DownloadAPI by Sony)
  240. messagebl.dll (MessageBL by Sony)
  241. oneclickcareapi.dll (OneClickCareAPI by Sony)
  242. oneclickcarebl.dll (OneClickCareBL by Sony)
  243. historyapi.dll (HistoryAPI by Sony)
  244. historybl.dll (HistoryBL by Sony)
  245. learnapi.dll (LearnAPI by Sony)
  246. learnbl.dll (LearnBL by Sony)
  247. contactandsupportapi.dll (ContactAndSupportAPI by Sony)
  248. contactandsupportbl.dll (ContactAndSupportBL by Sony)
  249. iolotoolopt.dll (IoloToolOpt by Sony)
  250. advancedtoolsapi.dll (AdvancedToolsAPI by Sony)
  251. advancedtoolsbl.dll (AdvancedToolsBL by Sony)
  252. networkdiagnosticsapi.dll (NetworkDiagnosticsAPI by Sony)
  253. networkdiagnosticsbl.dll (NetworkDiagnosticsBL by Sony)
  254. systemsupportbl.dll (SystemSupport by Sony)
  255. launchbrowserbl.dll (LaunchBrowser by Sony)
  256. notificationapi.dll (NotificationBusinessAPI by Sony)
  257. notificationbl.dll (NotificationMockPL by Sony)
  258. metricsphilatelistpl.dll (MetricsPhilatelistPL by Sony)
  259. vaiocare.utilities.dll (VAIOCare.Utilities by Sony)
  260. metricsphilatelistbl.dll (MetricsPhilatelistBL by Sony)
  261. commonpluginbl.dll (CommonPluginBL by Sony)
  262. intelmonitorbl.dll (IntelMonitorBL by Sony)
  263. vcagent.resources.dll (VCAgent by Sony)
  264. vaiocaretoolkit.dll (VAIOCareToolkit by Sony)
  265. vidam.dll (VAIO Improvement by Sony)
  266. vaiogatedesktopshellext.dll (VAIOGateDesktopShellExt by Sony)
  267. viaggregator.dll (VAIO Improvement by Sony)
  268. vestransform.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  269. vessuevent.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  270. vesusbkeyboard.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  271. vesstorageprotect.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  272. commonsetting.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  273. vesappmon.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  274. vescommonui.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  275. vesadvancedstandby.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  276. vesremotekey.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  277. veswndmsghook.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  278. vesperform.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  279. vesbaseps.dll (by Sony)
  280. veswndmsg.dll (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  281. snyutils.dll (SnyUtils Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  282. sslproxycom.dll (SSLProxyCOM Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  283. pmbvolumewatcherloc.dll (PlayMemories Home by Sony)
  284. xpstoragedevice_winxp2k.dll (PlayMemories Home by Sony)
  285. vcgu.exe (VAIO Gesture Control by Sony)
  286. wbcbatterycare.exe (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  287. informationcheck.exe (InformationCheck.exe by Sony)
  288. spmservice.exe (VAIO Power Management by Sony)
  289. listener.exe (VaioCare Sample Collector Service by Sony)
  290. vcperfservice.exe (VAIO Care Performance Service by Sony)
  291. vcadmin.exe (VCAdmin by Sony)
  292. vcsystemtray.exe (VCSystemTray by Sony)
  293. vim.exe (VAIO Improvement by Sony)
  294. vesmgr.exe (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  295. vesmgrsub.exe (VAIO Control Center by Sony)
  296. pmbvolumewatcher.exe (PlayMemories Home by Sony)
  297. pmbdeviceinfoprovider.exe (PlayMemories Home by Sony)
  298. itunes.dll (iTunes Plug-in Dynamic Link Library by Sony)
  299. vcmxmlifadvzfile.dll (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  300. vcmxmlifadvmlib.dll (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  301. vcmxmlifadvcmfilee.dll (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  302. vcmxmlifadmmlib.dll (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  303. vcmxmlifadavmarker.dll (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  304. vcmxmlifadvcmfile.dll (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  305. vcmmmd.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Network Service Manager by Sony)
  306. vcmxmlifdbxml.dll (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  307. vcmxmlifdbvep.dll (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  308. vcmxmlif.dll (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  309. vcmmgrcapif.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Manager by Sony)
  310. vcfwpluginvzcdb.dll (Sony VCFw Plug-in VzCdb Library by Sony)
  311. metrics.dll (Metrics by Sony)
  312. intelmonitor.dll (IntelMonitor by Sony)
  313. vcutility.dll (VCUtility by Sony)
  314. keyutilities.dll (KeyUtilities by Sony)
  315. pmbvolumewatcherloc.dll (PMB by Sony)
  316. xpstoragedevice_winxp2k.dll (PMB by Sony)
  317. vzcdbeventtrigger64.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  318. spfdbengine64.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  319. sonyspfdb64.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  320. vzcdblocaldb64.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  321. vzcdbplugin64.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  322. sonyspfstorage64.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  323. vzcdbeventtrigger.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  324. sonyvzfw.dll (Sony VzFw Library by Sony)
  325. sonyspfstorage.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  326. sonyspfdb.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  327. sqlite3.dll (SQLite Library by Sony)
  328. cachedatabase.dll (Cache Database by Sony)
  329. sohdb.dll (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  330. sohciif.dll (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  331. vzcdbplugin.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  332. vzcdb.dll (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  333. vcmialzdbnotifyvep.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  334. vcmialzqueuecontents.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  335. vcmialztimerwapi.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  336. vcmmgrif.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Manager by Sony)
  337. vcminsqueuecommunication.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Network Service Manager by Sony)
  338. vcminstimerwapi.dll (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Network Service Manager by Sony)
  339. vuac.dll (VAIO Update by Sony)
  340. vaioupdt.exe (VAIO Update by Sony)
  341. shellexeproxy.exe (ShellExeProxy.exe by Sony)
  342. viv.exe (VAIO Improvement Validation by Sony)
  343. viuploader.exe (VAIO Improvement by Sony)
  344. vconeclick.exe (VCOneClick by Sony)
  345. vaio gate.exe (VAIO Gate by Sony)
  346. executionproxy.exe (VAIO Gate by Sony)
  347. isbmgr.exe (ISB Utility by Sony)
  348. vcmxmlifhelper64.exe (VAIO Content Metadata XML Interface by Sony)
  349. vdau.exe (VDAU Application by Sony)
  350. admload.exe (Admload by Sony)
  351. vcfw.exe (VAIO Content Folder Watcher by Sony)
  352. vcagent.exe (VCAgent by Sony)
  353. vsnclient.exe (VAIOSmartNetwork.exe by Sony)
  354. pmbvolumewatcher.exe (PMB by Sony)
  355. shttray.exe (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  356. spfservice64.exe (VAIO Entertainment by Sony)
  357. vuagent.exe (VUAgent.exe by Sony)
  358. sohds.exe (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  359. sohcimp.exe (Sony Home Network Library by Sony)
  360. vesmgr.exe (VAIO Event Service by Sony)
  361. vcsystray.exe (VAIO Care by Sony)
  362. vsnservice.exe (VSNService.exe by Sony)
  363. vcservice.exe (VAIO Care by Sony)
  364. pmbdeviceinfoprovider.exe (PMB by Sony)
  365. vcmialzmgr.exe (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Analyzing Manager by Sony)
  366. vesmgrsub.exe (VAIO Event Service by Sony)
  367. vcminsmgr.exe (VAIO Content Metadata Intelligent Network Service Manager by Sony)
  368. srfcodec.dll (Sony RAW Driver by Sony)
Pubishers signed by Sony Corporation
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