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What is the AVG Technologies digital certificate?

The main purpose of the digital certificate is to ensure that the application belongs to the entity to which the certificate was issued. The AVG Technologies digital certificate does not guarantee that a signed application is safe to run, but rather informs the user that the software was digitally signed by AVG Technologies and verified by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
AVG Technologies is a global leader in security software, protecting more than 110 million consumers and small business computer users in 167 countries. The company boasts one of the most extensive self-help communities on the Internet, having established its technology credentials early on amongst technically savvy consumers. AVG has focused heavily on building communities that help millions of online participants support each other on computer security issues and actively contribute to AVG’s research efforts. AVG is the fourth largest vendor of antivirus software and employs close to 500 people worldwide with corporate offices in the US, the UK, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and Germany. AVG has nearly two decades of experience in combating cyber crime and operates one of the world’s most advanced laboratories for detecting, pre-empting and combating web-borne threats from around the globe for both businesses and home customers. www.avg.com
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AVG Technologies Certificate Authority (CA): VeriSign

Files signed with the AVG Technologies digital certificate

  1. avgsrmax.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  2. avg-secure-search-update_0414c.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  3. 0214d_avg-secure-search-update.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  4. tbapi.dll (by AVG Technologies)
  5. sitesafety.dll (AVG SiteSafety plugin by AVG Technologies)
  6. avg-secure-search-update_1013b.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  7. uninstall.exe (AVG Uninstaller by AVG Technologies)
  8. loggingserver.exe (loggings Application by AVG Technologies)
  9. vprot.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  10. log4cplusu.dll (log4cplu Dynamic Link Library by AVG Technologies)
  11. avg secure search_toolbar.dll (toolbar.dll by AVG Technologies)
  12. loggingserver.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  13. avgrewardsworker.dll (AVG Rewards by AVG Technologies)
  14. scripthelper.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  15. avg-secure-search-update_may2013_tb.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  16. avglnga.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  17. avg safeguard toolbar_toolbar.dll (toolbar.dll by AVG Technologies)
  18. viprotocol.dll (by AVG Technologies)
  19. toolbarupdater.exe (ToolbarU Application by AVG Technologies)
  20. vprot.exe (VProtect Application by AVG Technologies)
  21. uninstall.exe (ToolbarUnInstaller by AVG Technologies)
  22. avglvea.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  23. avgrssta.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  24. avg safeguard toolbar_toolbar.dll (toolbar.dll by AVG Technologies)
  25. log4cplusu.dll (by AVG Technologies)
  26. avgrunasx.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  27. settings.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  28. diskdefraghelper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  29. diskdoctorhelper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  30. trackeraserhelper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  31. rescuecenterhelper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  32. diskcleanerhelper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  33. axbrowsers.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  34. spywarecheckerhelper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  35. taskmanagerhelper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  36. cdefrag.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  37. avgcfgex.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  38. avgcrlpx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  39. avgoff2k.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  40. avgupd.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  41. avgscanx.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  42. avgdttbx.dll (AVG Do Not Track by AVG Technologies)
  43. roc.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  44. avgcsla.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  45. settings.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  46. sqlite3.dll (by AVG Technologies)
  47. diskdefraghelper.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  48. diskdoctorhelper.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  49. trackeraserhelper.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  50. rescuecenterhelper.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  51. diskcleanerhelper.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  52. axbrowsers.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  53. avgoutlookx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  54. avgagent.exe (AVG Remote Administration by AVG Technologies)
  55. avgfwdx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  56. diskcleaner.exe (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  57. registrycleanerhelper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  58. aushelper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  59. commonforms.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  60. helper.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  61. localizer.dll (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  62. registrycleanerhelper.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  63. aushelper.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  64. commonforms.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  65. helper.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  66. localizer.dll (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  67. avgcrlpa.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  68. avgcorea.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  69. avgpp.dll (by AVG Technologies)
  70. avgamx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  71. avgidpmx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  72. avgcerta.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  73. avgloga.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  74. avgchsva.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  75. avgrsa.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  76. avgemca.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  77. boostspeed.exe (PC Tuneup 2011 by AVG Technologies)
  78. hf_g_jul.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  79. roc_roc_dec12.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  80. avgwdwsc.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  81. avgsched.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  82. imsdk32.dll (IMFilter SDK by AVG Technologies)
  83. avglvex.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  84. avgamnot.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  85. avgameh.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  86. avgmtrapx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  87. avgcertx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  88. avgaspmx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  89. saslplain.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  90. sasllogin.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  91. sasldigestmd5.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  92. saslcrammd5.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  93. avgmvflx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  94. avgvvx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  95. avgsrmx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  96. avgscanx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  97. avgapix.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  98. libsasl.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  99. avgidpsdkx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  100. avguires.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  101. avglogx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  102. avgrsstx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  103. toolbarbroker.exe (ToolbarB Application by AVG Technologies)
  104. avgfws9.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  105. avgchsvx.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  106. avgidsagent.exe (AVG IDS by AVG Technologies)
  107. avgrsx.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  108. avgidsmonitor.exe (AVG IDS by AVG Technologies)
  109. avgemc.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  110. avglngx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  111. avgcclix.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  112. avgclitx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  113. avgcslx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  114. avgopensslx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  115. avgcfgx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  116. avgchclx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  117. avgntopensslx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  118. avgsysx.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  119. roc_roc_july_p1.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  120. avgcsrvx.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  121. avgsea.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  122. boostspeed.exe (PC Tuneup by AVG Technologies)
  123. avgdttbx.dll (by AVG Technologies)
  124. roc_roc_nt.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  125. vprot.exe (VProtect Application by AVG Technologies)
  126. toolbarupdater.exe (ToolbarU Application by AVG Technologies)
  127. avgopenssla.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  128. avgcfga.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  129. avgcclia.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  130. avgclita.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  131. avgchcla.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  132. avgntopenssla.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  133. avgsysa.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  134. avgsbga.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  135. avgse.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  136. avgwdsvc.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  137. avgcsrva.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  138. avgcorex.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  139. sitesafety.dll (by AVG Technologies)
  140. npsitesafety.dll (AVG SiteSafety plugin by AVG Technologies)
  141. scripthelper.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  142. viprotocol.dll (by AVG Technologies)
  143. avg secure search_toolbar.dll (AVG Secure Search by AVG Technologies)
  144. roc_roc_ssl_v12.exe (by AVG Technologies)
  145. vprot.exe (VProtect Application by AVG Technologies)
  146. toolbarupdater.exe (ToolbarU Application by AVG Technologies)
  147. avgmfapx.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  148. avgdiagex.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  149. avgse.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  150. avgpp.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  151. ietoolbar.dll (AVG Security Toolbar by AVG Technologies)
  152. avgssie.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  153. toolbarbroker.exe (AVG Security Toolbar by AVG Technologies)
  154. avgidsagent.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  155. avgtray.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  156. avgui.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  157. avgwdsvc.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  158. avgam.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  159. avgnsx.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  160. avgemcx.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  161. avgidsmonitor.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  162. avgfws.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
Pubishers signed by AVG Technologies
About (from AVG Technologies at www.avg.com)
AVG was founded in 1991 with the express purpose of protecting people around the world using the latest in cutting edge security technologies. AVG gained success quickly and is now recognized as one of the biggest players in the security software market. AVG currently holds corporate offices in Europe, the US and the UK. AVG is uniquely positioned to spearhead innovation in the industry thanks to its employing some of the world’s leading experts in software development, threat detection, threat prevention and risk analysis. Not content to rest on its internationally recognized success, AVG continues to invest in R&D, teaming with leading universities to maintain its technological edge.

Computer and internet use is an integral and growing part of our everyday lives. Every aspect of our lives is accessible electronically, which brings considerable benefit, as well as considerable risk. Our role is to shield you from potential dangers by providing powerful, easy-to-use protection that works in the background and allows you to go online with confidence.
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