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What is the Kaspersky Lab digital certificate?

The main purpose of the digital certificate is to ensure that the application belongs to the entity to which the certificate was issued. The Kaspersky Lab digital certificate does not guarantee that a signed application is safe to run, but rather informs the user that the software was digitally signed by Kaspersky Lab and verified by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
Kaspersky Lab is a developer of secure content and threat management systems and the world’s largest privately held vendor of software security products. Kaspersky Lab ranks fourth in the global ranking of antivirus vendors. The Kaspersky Anti-Virus engine also powers products or solutions by other security vendors, such as Check Point, Bluecoat, Juniper Networks, Sybari (acquired by Microsoft in 2005), Netintelligence, GFI Software, F-Secure, Clearswift, FrontBridge, G-Data, Netasq, Wedge Networks, and others. Altogether, more than 120 companies are licensing technology from Kaspersky Lab. Kaspersky Lab also has a number of partnerships with various technology companies. www.kaspersky.com
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Kaspersky Lab Certificate Authorities (CA): DigiCert Inc, VeriSign

Files signed with the Kaspersky Lab digital certificate

  1. kl_service.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  2. starter_avp.exe (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  3. pure_metainfo.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  4. avpapplication.dll (by Kaspersky Lab)
  5. agent.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  6. spdblib.dll (Kaspersky PURE by Kaspersky Lab)
  7. spcapbtn.dll (Kaspersky PURE by Kaspersky Lab)
  8. spcapbtnldr.dll (Kaspersky Password Manager by Kaspersky Lab)
  9. npkpmautofill.dll (Kaspersky PURE by Kaspersky Lab)
  10. spiebho.dll (Kaspersky PURE by Kaspersky Lab)
  11. stpass.exe (Kaspersky PURE by Kaspersky Lab)
  12. avpui.exe (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  13. content_blocker_npapi.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  14. npkpmautofill.dll (Kaspersky Password Manager by Kaspersky Lab)
  15. qjpeg4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  16. qico4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  17. qgif4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  18. w8toaster.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  19. parental_control_gui.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  20. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  21. qtscript4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  22. dblite.dll (dblite by Kaspersky Lab)
  23. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  24. qtdeclarative4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  25. safe_banking.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  26. persistent_queue.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  27. memmon.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  28. ac_facade.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  29. diffs.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  30. updater.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  31. filesystem_services.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  32. ucp_agent.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  33. cryptostaticprovider.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  34. transport_provider.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  35. ksn_client.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  36. threatsmanager.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  37. cbi.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  38. format_recognizer.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  39. excludemanager.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  40. processmonitor.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  41. packed_io.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  42. ksnhelper.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  43. icudt40.dll (International Components for Unicode by Kaspersky Lab)
  44. icuio40.dll (International Components for Unicode by Kaspersky Lab)
  45. icuin40.dll (International Components for Unicode by Kaspersky Lab)
  46. icuuc40.dll (International Components for Unicode by Kaspersky Lab)
  47. kpcengine.2.2.dll (KPC Engine by Kaspersky Lab)
  48. cf_facade.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  49. am_facade.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  50. threats_disinfection.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  51. localization_manager.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  52. ssleay32.dll (The OpenSSL Toolkit by Kaspersky Lab)
  53. libeay32.dll (The OpenSSL Toolkit by Kaspersky Lab)
  54. libcurl.dll (The cURL library by Kaspersky Lab)
  55. ckahrule.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  56. ckahcomm.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  57. ckahum.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  58. acassembler.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  59. ksn_facade.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  60. klifpp.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  61. ichecker.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  62. storage.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  63. instrumental_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  64. klifpp_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  65. ucp_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  66. product_metainfo.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  67. app_core_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  68. ac_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  69. am_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  70. updater_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  71. key_value_storage.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  72. app_core_legacy.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  73. dumpwriter.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  74. fssync.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  75. avpmain.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  76. avpservice.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  77. avpinit.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  78. ushata.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  79. anti_banner_native_proxy.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  80. format_recognizer.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  81. avpinst.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  82. scieplgn.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  83. klogon.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  84. shellex.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  85. klwtbbho.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  86. ievkbd.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  87. avp.exe (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  88. ksn_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  89. content_filtering_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  90. plugins_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  91. remote_eka_prague_loader.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  92. runner_avp.exe (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  93. online_banking_npapi.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  94. gadget.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  95. cleanapi.dll (Kaspersky Removal Tool by Kaspersky Lab)
  96. network_services.dll (by Kaspersky Lab)
  97. esmgr.dll (Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows by Kaspersky Lab)
  98. eka_meta.dll (Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows by Kaspersky Lab)
  99. service.dll (Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows by Kaspersky Lab)
  100. klcsstd.dll (Kaspersky Security Center by Kaspersky Lab)
  101. avpcon.dll (Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows by Kaspersky Lab)
  102. klcssa.dll (Kaspersky Security Center by Kaspersky Lab)
  103. klsecur2.dll (Kaspersky Security Center by Kaspersky Lab)
  104. klcskca2.dll (Kaspersky Security Center by Kaspersky Lab)
  105. klssleay.dll (The OpenSSL Toolkit by Kaspersky Lab)
  106. klcstr2.dll (Kaspersky Security Center by Kaspersky Lab)
  107. klcsagt.dll (Kaspersky Security Center by Kaspersky Lab)
  108. klcsnagt.dll (Kaspersky Security Center by Kaspersky Lab)
  109. fssync.dll (Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus ® by Kaspersky Lab)
  110. kllibeay.dll (The OpenSSL Toolkit by Kaspersky Lab)
  111. klcsstd2.dll (Kaspersky Security Center by Kaspersky Lab)
  112. klcsrt2.dll (STLport Standard ANSI C++ Library by Kaspersky Lab)
  113. prloader.dll (Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows by Kaspersky Lab)
  114. prremote.dll (Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows by Kaspersky Lab)
  115. klogon.dll (Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows by Kaspersky Lab)
  116. shellex.dll (Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows by Kaspersky Lab)
  117. klnagent.exe (Kaspersky Security Center by Kaspersky Lab)
  118. avp.exe (Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows by Kaspersky Lab)
  119. office_antivirus.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  120. online_banking_bho.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  121. ie_virtual_keyboard_plugin.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  122. ie_content_blocker_plugin.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  123. npvkplugin.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  124. klwtbcl.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  125. kltbar.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  126. klwtblc.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  127. npurladvisor.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  128. npabplugin.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  129. eka_meta.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  130. service.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  131. prloader.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  132. prremote.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  133. klscav.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  134. scrchpg.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  135. klogon.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  136. shellex.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  137. klwtbbho.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  138. ievkbd.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  139. klwtblfs.exe (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  140. avp.exe (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  141. localization_manager.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  142. qtnetwork4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  143. qtsql4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  144. qtscript4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  145. qtdeclarative4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  146. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  147. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  148. diffs.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  149. updater.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  150. ksnhelper.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  151. ichecker.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  152. cryptostaticprovider.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  153. transport_provider.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  154. ksn_client.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  155. avzkrnl.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  156. ksn_facade.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  157. threatsmanager.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  158. excludemanager.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  159. memmon.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  160. storage.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  161. metainfo.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  162. am_facade.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  163. esmgr.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  164. eka_meta.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  165. service.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  166. fssync.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  167. prloader.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  168. dumpwriter.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  169. prremote.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  170. avpmain.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  171. avpinit.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  172. ushata.dll (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  173. kss.exe (Kaspersky Security Scan by Kaspersky Lab)
  174. qtcore4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
  175. qtgui4.dll (Qt4 by Kaspersky Lab)
Pubishers signed by Kaspersky Lab
About (from Kaspersky Lab at www.kaspersky.com)
We believe that everyone should be free to get the most from technology – without intrusion or other security worries. Our crack team of specialists gives you the freedom to live your digital life without worrying about your personal information and assets. For 15 years, our team of experts has worked on exposing, analyzing and neutralizing IT threats. Along the way, we have amassed a tremendous amount of experience and knowledge about malware and how to deal with it.

In 2012, Kaspersky Lab celebrates its fifteenth anniversary. Undoubtedly, the company’s most valuable asset is the relentless expertise it has gained in those years of combating viruses and other IT threats, enabling us to preempt trends in malware development. This helps us to remain one step ahead of the competition and provide our users with the most reliable protection from new types of attack.
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