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What is the PC Tools digital certificate?

The main purpose of the digital certificate is to ensure that the application belongs to the entity to which the certificate was issued. The PC Tools digital certificate does not guarantee that a signed application is safe to run, but rather informs the user that the software was digitally signed by PC Tools and verified by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
PC Tools develops and publishes security and utility software for consumers and enterprises markets. Its products include Spyware Doctor, which provides spyware protection to secure Windows personal computers; PC Tools AntiVirus that offers protection against virus infections; Registry Mechanic, a registry cleaner to fix Windows errors; and File Recover, which recovers files from hard drives, floppy drives, and fixed media. The company also provides Privacy Guardian, a privacy software to erase online Internet tracks and program activity; Spam Monitor, an anti-spam filter for protecting inbox against unsolicited junk emails; and PC Tools Firewall Plus, a personal firewall that protects computers from intruders and controls the network traffic. Its clients include users, small businesses, non-profit and community organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies. As of October 6, 2008, PC Tools Pty Ltd. operates as a subsidiary of Symantec Corporation. www.pctools.com
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PC Tools Certificate Authority (CA): VeriSign

Files signed with the PC Tools digital certificate

  1. shreddershellextension64.dll (ShredderShellExtension Module by PC Tools)
  2. pg.exe (PC Tools Privacy Guardian by PC Tools)
  3. ppsupport.dll (PPSuppor Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  4. firewallgui.exe (PC Tools Firewall Plus by PC Tools)
  5. fwservice.exe (PC Tools Firewall Plus by PC Tools)
  6. tfws.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  7. tfapi.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  8. tfpa.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  9. tfcr.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  10. tfo.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  11. tftm.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  12. tfdbm.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  13. tfscan.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  14. tfqt.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  15. tfrk.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  16. tfsf.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  17. tfundo.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  18. tfmon.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  19. tflog.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  20. tfmisc.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  21. tfe.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  22. tfserver.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  23. tfni.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  24. tfwah.dll (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  25. tftray.exe (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  26. plugindllsm.dll (PC Tools Spam Monitor plugin DLL by PC Tools)
  27. adefragerclient.dll (Performance Toolkit Disk Defrag by PC Tools)
  28. adsclient.dll (Performance Toolkit Disk Defrag by PC Tools)
  29. bugtrapu.dll (PC Tools Performance Toolkit Disk Defrag by PC Tools)
  30. bugtraphelper.dll (Performance Toolkit Disk Defrag by PC Tools)
  31. coretrace.dll (Performance Toolkit Disk Defrag by PC Tools)
  32. adsclient.dll (Performance Toolkit Disk Repair by PC Tools)
  33. adsutils.dll (by PC Tools)
  34. bugtrapu.dll (PC Tools Performance Toolkit Disk Repair by PC Tools)
  35. bugtraphelper.dll (Performance Toolkit Disk Repair by PC Tools)
  36. coretrace.dll (Performance Toolkit Disk Repair by PC Tools)
  37. dmdefragsrvproxy.exe (Performance Toolkit Disk Defrag by PC Tools)
  38. dmrepairsrvproxy.exe (Performance Toolkit Disk Repair by PC Tools)
  39. scheduleddefrag.exe (by PC Tools)
  40. bdtsupport.dll (by PC Tools)
  41. fguardhks.dll (Threat Expert Ltd. Browser Defender by PC Tools)
  42. libkumo.dll (by PC Tools)
  43. pctsguicore.dll (PC Tools GUI Core DLL by PC Tools)
  44. pctgmhk.dll (by PC Tools)
  45. alert.exe (PC Tool Smart Alert by PC Tools)
  46. usermodefilecache.dll (PC Tools UserMode Cache Library by PC Tools)
  47. sh.dll (by PC Tools)
  48. bh.dll (Browser Helper by PC Tools)
  49. filehlpr.dll (Spyware Doctor by PC Tools)
  50. inethlpr.dll (Spyware Doctor by PC Tools)
  51. reghelper.dll (Spyware Doctor by PC Tools)
  52. commhlpr.dll (Spyware Doctor Component by PC Tools)
  53. sdcore.dll (Spyware Doctor Component by PC Tools)
  54. cdialogs.dll (Spyware Doctor Component by PC Tools)
  55. pwindow.dll (Popup Window Helper by PC Tools)
  56. commlib.dll (Spyware Doctor Component by PC Tools)
  57. commom.dll (Spyware Doctor Component by PC Tools)
  58. sysaccess.dll (Spyware Doctor Component by PC Tools)
  59. pctstray.exe (PC Tools Tray Application by PC Tools)
  60. alert.exe (PC Tool Smart Alert by PC Tools)
  61. updatehlpr.dll (PC Tools Smart Update Helper by PC Tools)
  62. pctsfiles.exe (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  63. dmrepairsrv.exe (PC Tools Performance Toolkit Repair by PC Tools)
  64. dmdefragsrv.exe (PC Tools Performance Toolkit Defrag by PC Tools)
  65. rmengine.dll (Registry Mechanic Engine by PC Tools)
  66. pmsystem.dll (PC Tools Plugin Manager by PC Tools)
  67. regmech.exe (Registry Mechanic by PC Tools)
  68. installedprograms.dll (AppDetec Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  69. update.exe (PC Tools Smart Update by PC Tools)
  70. fileloggerdll.dll (FileLogg Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  71. configurationmanager.dll (by PC Tools)
  72. rmengine.dll (RMEngine Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  73. pctlichelper.dll (License Helper Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  74. scheduler.dll (Schedule by PC Tools)
  75. sulauncher.exe (SmartUpdate Launcher by PC Tools)
  76. regmech.exe (PC Tools Registry Mechanic by PC Tools)
  77. declient.dll (DEClient Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  78. pctcleanave.dll (TODO: by PC Tools)
  79. pctaveng.dll (PC Tools Engine DLL for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista by PC Tools)
  80. dec_abi.dll (Symantec Decomposer Component by PC Tools)
  81. seps.dll (PCTUnpack Library by PC Tools)
  82. pctdefdb.dll (PCTDefDb Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  83. naveng32.dll (Antivirus Engine by PC Tools)
  84. navex32a.dll (Antivirus Engine by PC Tools)
  85. ecmsvr32.dll (ECOM Server by PC Tools)
  86. ecmldr32.dll (ECOM Loader by PC Tools)
  87. sdkbsctrl.dll (PCTBSCtrl Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  88. pctrevoke.dll (PCTRevoke Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  89. pctdscli.dll (pctDS by PC Tools)
  90. sdavgate.dll ( SDAVgate Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  91. icudt42.dll (International Components for Unicode by PC Tools)
  92. icuuc42.dll (International Components for Unicode by PC Tools)
  93. kdsappevent.dll (PC Tools Application Event Monitor DLL by PC Tools)
  94. smengine.dll ( SMEngine Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  95. plugindllsg.dll (PC Tools SG plugin DLL by PC Tools)
  96. generictdidll.dll (PC Tools Generic TDI DLL by PC Tools)
  97. plugindllfw.dll (PC Tools FW plugin DLL by PC Tools)
  98. pctwsc.dll ( PCTWSC Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  99. firewallwrapper.dll (PC Tools Firewall Plus by PC Tools)
  100. pctcfhook.dll (PCTOOLS Content Filter Wrapper Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  101. sdnetplugin.dll (PC Tools SDNet by PC Tools)
  102. pctmime.dll ( PCTMime Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  103. sqlite3db.dll (Sqlite3 DB Interface by PC Tools)
  104. pctbdcom.dll (Threat Expert Ltd. Browser Defender by PC Tools)
  105. pctefacli.dll (EFA by PC Tools)
  106. sh.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  107. bh.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  108. filehlpr.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  109. inethlpr.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  110. reghelper.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  111. commhlpr.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  112. sdcore.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  113. commlib32.dll (Threat Expert Ltd. Browser Defender by PC Tools)
  114. bspatch.dll (BSPatch Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  115. pctscancloud.dll (PCTScanCloud Library by PC Tools)
  116. firewallsdk.dll (PC Tools Firewall Plus by PC Tools)
  117. firewallplugin.dll (PC Tools Firewall Plus by PC Tools)
  118. firewallgui.isplugin.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  119. htmlayout.dll (HTMLayout by PC Tools)
  120. pctui.dll (PCTUI Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  121. comms.dll (PC Tools Firewall Plus by PC Tools)
  122. smplugin.dll (SMPlugin Dynamic Link Library by PC Tools)
  123. antispamgui.isplugin.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  124. kdsinterface.dll (PC Tools Kernel Driver Suite by PC Tools)
  125. cdialogs.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  126. pwindow.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  127. commlib.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  128. pctsddll.dll (PC Tools SD Driver Interface by PC Tools)
  129. sysaccess.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  130. commom.dll (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  131. pctbdcore.dll (Threat Expert Ltd. Browser Defender by PC Tools)
  132. pctlsp.dll (PC Tools Content Filter by PC Tools)
  133. sdcontextext32.dll (Spyware Doctor by PC Tools)
  134. tfservice.exe (ThreatFire by PC Tools)
  135. pctssvc.exe (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  136. pctsgui.exe (PC Tools Security Component by PC Tools)
  137. pctbrowserdefender.dll (Threat Expert Ltd. Browser Defender by PC Tools)
  138. upgrade.exe (PC Tools Upgrade by PC Tools)
  139. pctlsp64.dll (PC Tools Content Filter by PC Tools)
  140. sdcontextext64.dll (Spyware Doctor by PC Tools)
  141. fguard.exe (Threat Expert Ltd. Browser Defender by PC Tools)
  142. pctssvc.exe (PC Tools Security Service by PC Tools)
  143. bdtupdateservice.exe (Threat Expert Ltd. Browser Defender by PC Tools)
  144. pctsgui.exe (PC Tools GUI Application by PC Tools)
  145. pctsauxs.exe (PC Tools Auxiliary Service by PC Tools)
  146. ssdmonitor.exe (SSDMonit Application by PC Tools)
  147. startmansvc.exe (StartMan Application by PC Tools)
  148. pt.exe (PC Tools Performance Toolkit by PC Tools)
  149. filerecovershellext.dll (Performance Toolkit File Recover by PC Tools)
  150. dmrepairsrv.exe (Performance Toolkit Disk Repair by PC Tools)
  151. dmdefragsrv.exe (Performance Toolkit Disk Defrag by PC Tools)
  152. startmansvc.exe (StartMan Application by PC Tools)
  153. ssdmonitor.exe (SSDMonit Application by PC Tools)
Pubishers signed by PC Tools
About (from PC Tools at www.pctools.com)
PC Tools is dedicated to delivering simple, effective and affordable online security and system utility software for Windows® computers. We are purveyors of practical, no nonsense tools specifically designed to supply powerful protection and enhanced performance to your PC. Our sharp focus and results-first mentality has won us countless awards around the world and solidified us as a global leader in the industry.

With offices located in Australia, Ireland, United States, United Kingdom and the Ukraine. PC Tools is a fast-growing brand with dedicated Research and Development teams that ensure PC Tools maintains a competitive edge. Our products and services are used by millions of consumers around the world, with registered customers in over 180 countries and millions of downloads to date.

PC Tools' products continue to win awards and gain recommendations from respected reviewers and independent testing labs around the world. PC Tools most recent release received Editors’ Choice and Product of the Year 2009 from PC Mag.com, PC World Best Buy and PC Advisor Recommended to name a few. In 2010, PC Tools’ security portfolio received VB100 certification from Virus Bulletin and the prestigious Advanced +rating from AV Comparatives.
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