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Startup files (all users) run
Run keys are startup registry keys that are used to launch an application automatically when any Windows user logs into Windows.
Explore top startup files (all users) run
5zbrmon.exe (VER_PRODUCT_NAME by Mindspark Interactive Network)
2psrchmn.exe (MindSpark Toolbar Platform SearchScope Monitor by Mindspark Interactive Network)
4zuninstall videodownloadconverter.dll (MindSpark Toolbar Platform for Internet Explorer and Firefox by Mindspark Interactive Network)
realsched.exe (RealPlayer (32-bit) by RealNetworks)
49srchmn.exe (MindSpark Toolbar Platform SearchScope Monitor by Mindspark Interactive Network)
realplay.exe (RealPlayer (32-bit) by RealNetworks)
57bar.dll (MindSpark Toolbar Platform for Internet Explorer and Firefox by Mindspark Interactive Network)
muistartmenu.exe (MUI StartMenu Application by CyberLink)
adobearm.exe (Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager by Adobe Systems)
jusched.exe (Java(TM) Platform SE Auto Updater 2 0 by Oracle America)
qttask.exe (QuickTime by Apple)
sidebar.exe (Windows Desktop Gadgets by Microsoft)
appintegrator64.exe (by Mindspark Interactive Network)
groovemonitor.exe (GrooveMonitor Utility by Microsoft)
avastui.exe (avast! Antivirus by AVAST Software)
ereg.exe (SSEreg by Nuance Communications)
hpwuschd2.exe ( hpwuSchd Application by Hewlett-Packard Company)
divxupdate.exe (DivX Update by DivX)
apsdaemon.exe (Apple Push by Apple)
cmd.exe (Windows Command Processor by Microsoft)
logilda.dll (Logitech Download Assistant by Logitech)
ycmmirage.exe (YCMMirag Application by CyberLink)
mwsoemon.exe (My Web Search Bar for Internet Explorer, email clients, and messenger clients by Mindspark Interactive Network)
msascui.exe (Windows Defender by Microsoft)
monitor.exe (Registry Monitor by PixArt Imaging Incorporation)
switchboard.exe (SBSV 2010/02/19-11:02:07 by Adobe Systems QA)
msseces.exe (Microsoft Security Essentials by Microsoft)
updaterstartuputility.exe (Adobe Updater Startup Utility by Adobe Systems)
itype.exe (Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center by Microsoft)
ipoint.exe (Microsoft IntelliPoint by Microsoft)
pdvd10serv.exe (PowerDVD RC Service by CyberLink)
mwsbar.dll (My Web Search Bar for Internet Explorer, FireFox, email clients, and messenger clients by Mindspark Interactive Network)
ituneshelper.exe (iTunes by Apple)
asusvibelauncher.exe (AsusVibe Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
nerocheck.exe (Ahead Software Gmbh NeroCheck by Ahead Software Gmbh)
rundll32.exe (Windows host process (Rundll32) by Microsoft)
clmlsvc_p2g8.exe (CyberLink MediaLibray Service by CyberLink)
hpsysdrv.exe (hpsysdrv Application by Hewlett-Packard Company)
advancedsystemprotector.exe (Advanced System Protector by Systweak Software)
bcssync.exe (Microsoft Office 2010 by Microsoft)
cltmng.exe (Search Protect by Conduit Ltd)
egisupdate.exe (EgisTec In-Product Service by EGIS TECHNOLOGY INC)
delayedappstarter.exe (by Hewlett-Packard Company)
vprot.exe (VProtect Application by AVG Technologies)
ehtray.exe (Media Center Tray Applet by Microsoft)
imjpmig.exe (Microsoft IME 2002 by Microsoft)
sweetim.exe (SweetIM by SweetIM Technologies Ltd)
ravbg64.exe (HD Audio Background Process by Realtek Semiconductor Corp)
ismagent.exe (Intel Services Manager by IntelĀ® Services Manager)
hkcmd.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
igfxpers.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
igfxtray.exe (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
updreg.exe (Creative Updreg by Creative Technology Ltd)
cs6servicemanager.exe (Adobe CS6 Service Manager by Adobe Systems)
vboxtray.exe (Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions by Oracle)
googledesktop.exe (Google Desktop by Google Inc)
acdaemon.exe (ArcSoft Connect by ArcSoft)
brstmonw.exe (Brother Status Monitor Application by Brother Industries Ltd)
syntpenh.exe (Synaptics Pointing Device Driver by Synaptics)
nobuclient.exe (Norton Online Backup by Symantec)
hcontroluser.exe (ATK Hotkey by ASUSTeK Computer)
mcagent.exe (McAfee SecurityCenter by McAfee)
clmlsvc.exe (CyberLink MediaLibray Service by CyberLink)
sweetpacksupdatemanager.exe (SweetPacks Update Manager by SweetIM Technologies Ltd)
epowertray.exe (Power Management by Acer)
roc_roc_ssl_v12.exe (by AVG Technologies)
pcfaster.exe (Baidu PC Faster by Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing)Co)
alcmtr.exe (Realtek AC97 Audio - Event Monitor by Realtek Semiconductor Corp)
winampa.exe (Winamp Agent by Nullsoft)
pcee4.exe (Dolby Profile Selector by Dolby Laboratories)
hposd.exe (HP On Screen Display by Hewlett-Packard Company)
hpmsgsvc.exe (HP Quick Launch by Hewlett-Packard Company)
ksafetray.exe (Kingsoft PC Doctor by Kingsoft Security Co)
ravcpl64.exe (Realtek HD Audio Manager by Realtek Semiconductor Corp)
toswaitsrv.exe (TOSHIBA PC Health Monitor by TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
isuspm.exe (FlexNet Connect by Flexera Software LLC)
logmeinsystray.exe (LogMeIn by LogMeIn)
toshibaappplace.exe (Toshiba App Place by Toshiba)
atkosd2.exe (ATKOSD2 by ASUSTeK Computer)
iaanotif.exe (RAID Event Monitor by Intel)
pmmupdate.exe (EgisTec In-Product Service by EGIS TECHNOLOGY INC)
sdtray.exe (Spybot - Search & Destroy by Safer Networking Ltd)
babylon.exe (Babylon Client by Babylon Ltd)
vm332sti.exe (VM331 StiMnt by Vimicro)
qlbctrl.exe (HP Quick Launch Buttons by Hewlett-Packard Company)
imf.exe (IObit Malware Fighter by IObit Information Technology)
youcamtray.exe (CyberLink YouCam Tray by CyberLink)
aprp.exe (APRP by ASUSTeK Computer)
tosvolregulator.exe ( Toshiba Volume Regulator by TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
imeklmg.exe (Microsoft Office IME 2010 by Microsoft)
aolsoftware.exe (AOL Service Libraries by AOL)
2jsrchmn.exe (MindSpark Toolbar Platform SearchScope Monitor by Mindspark Interactive Network)
setdefault.exe (HP Launch Box by Hewlett-Packard Company)
registrycontroller.exe (Nuance PDF Products by Nuance Communications)
energy management.exe (Lenovo Energy Management Software 8.0 by Lenovo (Beijing) Limited)
dtlite.exe (DAEMON Tools Lite by Disc Soft Ltd)
smoothview.exe (TOSHIBA Zooming Utility by TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
lws.exe (Logitech Camera Software by Logitech)
iastoricon.exe (IAStorIcon by Intel)
nusb3mon.exe (USB 3.0 Monitor by Renesas Electronics)
googletalk.exe (Google Talk by Google)
wshelper.exe (Wondershare Studio by Wondershare Software Co)
avp.exe (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
xboxstat.exe (Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories by Microsoft)
smessaging.exe (Stronghold Online Backup by Managed Offsite Backup)
avgtray.exe (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies CZ)
sprtcmd.exe (Dell Support Center Updates by Dell)
defmgr.exe (Default Manager by Microsoft)
regsvr32.exe (Microsoft(C) Register Server by Microsoft)
soundman.exe (Realtek Sound Manager by Realtek Semiconductor Corp)
sonicfocustray.exe (Sonic Focus Effects by Sonic Focus)
4wbrmon.exe (VER_PRODUCT_NAME by Mindspark Interactive Network)
ssdmonitor.exe (SSDMonit Application by PC Tools)
toshibaservicestation.exe (TOSHIBA Service Station by TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
fmapp.exe (FMAPP Application by Fortemedia Inc)
dmedia.exe (ATK Media by ASUSTeK Computer)
reader_sl.exe (Adobe Acrobat by Adobe Systems)
cnsemain.exe (Canon Solution Menu EX by Canon)
sacpl.exe (SmartAudio CPL (32bit) by Conexant Systems)
coolsense.exe (HP CoolSense by Hewlett-Packard Company)
caudiofilteragent64.exe (Conexant High Definition Audio Filter Agent by Conexant Systems)
fshoster32.exe (F-Secure Common Client Foundation by F-Secure)
ifrmewrk.exe (Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless by Intel)
lwemon.exe (Logitech Gaming Software by Logitech)
bingdesktop.exe (Bing Desktop by Microsoft)
searchprotection.exe (Search Protection by Yahoo!)
asscrpro.exe (ASUS Screen Saver Protector by ASUSTeK Computer)
divxmediaserver.exe (DivX Media Server )
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Active Processes
User Start Menu Programs
All Users Start Menu Programs
Startup Files (All Users) Run
Startup Files (All Users) Run Once
Startup Files (All Users) Run Once Setup
Startup Files (All Users) Run Once Ex
Startup Files (All Users) Run Services
Startup Files (All Users) Run Services Once
Startup Files (User) Run
Startup Files (User) Run Once
Startup Files (User) Run Once Setup
Startup Files (User) Run Once Ex
Startup Files (User) Run Services
Shared Task Scheduler Programs
Scheduled Tasks
Explorer Policies
User Init Startup Files
Winlogon Shell Startup Files
Startup Files Notify
Web Browser Plug-ins
Internet Explorer BHOs
Internet Explorer Toolbars
Internet Explorer Extensions
Internet Explorer Bars
Internet Explorer Plugin Extensions
Internet Explorer Plugins
Internet Explorer Shell Browsers
Internet Explorer Web Browsers
Internet Explorer URL Search Hooks
Internet Explorer Menu Extensions
ActiveX Installs
Google Chrome Plugins
Mozilla Plugins
Windows Hooks
Shell Execute Hooks
App Init DLLs
Shell Service Object Delay Loads
Shell Open Commands
Context Menu Handlers
Search Handlers
Autoplay Handlers
Data Handlers
Copy Hook Handlers
Property Sheet Handlers
IOffice Antivirus Plugins
Security Providers
Credential Providers
Credential Provider Filters
Pluggable Protocols
PROTOCOLS Namespace Handlers
Winsock LSPs
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