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Context menu handlers

Windows Explorer displays a context menu for a file object when it is clicked with the right mouse button. This context menu allows various operations to be performed on the file object from within Explorer, like printing it or opening it with another program. Context menu items that are static in natures will simply launch an associated application based on the file type that is being acted upon. However, dynamic context menu handlers are created with the help of a special program (a shell extension handler) that runs within Explorer that determines what action should be applied when both displaying the context menu item as well as when clicking on it.

Explore top context menu handlers

  1. shell32.dll (Windows Shell Common Dll by Microsoft)
  2. shdocvw.dll (Shell Doc Object and Control Library by Microsoft)
  3. grooveshellextensions.dll (GrooveShellExtensions Module by Microsoft)
  4. grooveex.dll (Microsoft Office 2010 by Microsoft)
  5. ntshrui.dll (Shell extensions for sharing by Microsoft)
  6. rarext.dll (WinRAR by winrar GmbH)
  7. cscui.dll (Client Side Caching UI by Microsoft)
  8. sbdrop.dll (Sidebar droptarget by Microsoft)
  9. syncui.dll (Windows Briefcase by Microsoft)
  10. skype4com.dll (Skype4COM by Skype Technologies SA)
  11. 7-zip.dll (7-Zip by Igor Pavlov)
  12. avgse.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  13. shellext.dll (Microsoft Security Essentials Shell Extension by Microsoft)
  14. contexthandler.dll (Glary Utilities by Glarysoft Ltd)
  15. ashshell.dll (avast! Antivirus by AVAST Software)
  16. nppshell_05.dll (ShellHandler for Notepad++ )
  17. rarext32.dll (WinRAR by winrar GmbH)
  18. atiacmxx.dll (AMD Desktop Component by Advanced Micro Devices)
  19. incinerator32.dll (Incinerator by iolo technologies)
  20. teracopyext.dll
  21. nvshext.dll (NVIDIA Shell Extensions by NVIDIA)
  22. workfoldersshell.dll (Microsoft (C) Work Folders Shell Extension by Microsoft)
  23. wzshlstb.dll (WinZip by WinZip Computing)
  24. neroshellext.dll (NeroShellExt by Nero AG)
  25. sdecon64.dll (Spybot - Search & Destroy by Safer Networking Ltd)
  26. atiacm64.dll (AMD Desktop Component by Advanced Micro Devices)
  27. avgsea.dll (AVG Internet Security by AVG Technologies)
  28. shellstreams64.dll (by Apple)
  29. teracopyext64.dll (Simple Context Menu )
  30. aimp_menu32.dll (AIMP3 by AIMP DevTeam)
  31. skydriveshell64.dll (Microsoft SkyDrive by Microsoft)
  32. tortoisestub32.dll (TortoiseSVN by TortoiseSVN - Open Source Developer)
  33. dropboxext.17.dll (Dropbox by Dropbox)
  34. igfxpph.dll (Intel(R) Common User Interface by Intel)
  35. ashsha64.dll (avast! Antivirus by AVAST Software)
  36. nmspce2.dll (Network Magic by Cisco-Linksys LLC)
  37. dropboxext64.22.dll (Dropbox by Dropbox)
  38. nppshell_04.dll (ShellHandler for Notepad++ (64 bit) )
  39. sdecon32.dll (Spybot - Search & Destroy by Safer Networking Ltd)
  40. ascextmenu_64.dll (ASCExtMenu Module by IObit Information Technology)
  41. ascextmenu.dll (ASCExtMenu Module by IObit Information Technology)
  42. dropboxext64.17.dll (Dropbox by Dropbox)
  43. elbyvcdshell.dll (VirtualCloneDrive by Elaborate Bytes AG)
  44. contextmenu64.dll (Google Drive by Google Inc)
  45. shellex.dll (Kaspersky Anti-Virus by Kaspersky Lab)
  46. rarext64.dll (WinRAR by winrar GmbH)
  47. navshext.dll (Symantec Shared Component by Symantec)
  48. mcctxmenufrmwrk.dll (McAfee SecurityCenter by McAfee)
  49. dropboxext.14.dll (Dropbox by Dropbox)
  50. unlockercom.dll
  51. nvcpl.dll (NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 175.19 by NVIDIA)
  52. contextmenushim64.dll (Adobe Acrobat Elements by Adobe Systems)
  53. dropboxext64.19.dll (Dropbox by Dropbox)
  54. dropboxext.19.dll (Dropbox by Dropbox)
  55. mobkshell.dll (McAfee Online Backup by Mozy)
  56. dtshl32.dll (DAEMON Tools Pro by Disc Soft Ltd)
  57. shellext64.dll (ShellExt Dynamic Link Library by Versionate)
  58. sasctxmn.dll (SUPERAntiSpyware Context Menu Extension by SuperAdBlockercom)
  59. coveredextension.dll (Cover Designer by Nero AG)
  60. dropboxext.22.dll (Dropbox by Dropbox)
  61. nvshell.dll (NVIDIA Desktop Explorer, Version 136.53 by NVIDIA)
  62. cmenu32.dll
  63. safeboxshell.dll (Safebox by BitDefender SRL)
  64. iobitsmartdefragextension.dll (Smart Defrag by IObit Information Technology)
  65. shlext.dll (Avira Free Antivirus by Avira Operations GmbH & Co KG)
  66. clvdshellext.dll (CLVDShellExt by CyberLink)
  67. bushell.dll (Backup by Symantec)
  68. shellstreams.dll (ShellStreams.dll by Apple)
  69. imfshellext.dll (BlueBirdShellExt Module by IObit Information Technology)
  70. winoptimizercontexthandler64.dll (TODO: by Ashampoo GmbH & Co KG)
  71. sdshelex-win32.dll (TuneUp Utilities 2013 by TuneUp Software)
  72. sasctxmn64.dll (SUPERAntiSpyware Context Menu Extension by SuperAdBlockercom)
  73. ymmapi.dll (Yahoo! Mail by Yahoo!)
  74. dropboxext64.14.dll (Dropbox by Dropbox)
  75. nbshell.dll (Nero BackItUp by Nero AG)
  76. misosh64.dll (MagicISO Shell Extension Module by MagicISO)
  77. contextmenu32.dll (Google Drive by Google Inc)
  78. fencesmenu64.dll (Fences by Stardock)
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