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A process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current activity and is made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently. A computer program is a passive collection of instructions; a process is the actual execution of those instructions. Several processes may be associated with the same program; for example, opening up several instances of the same program often means more than one process is being executed.

Explore top processes

  1. pareto_update3.exe (Update Application by ParetoLogic)
  2. ehprivjob.exe (Digital TV Tuner device registration application. by Microsoft)
  3. wmplayer.exe (Windows Media Player by Microsoft)
  4. googleupdate.exe (Google Update by Google Inc)
  5. wermgr.exe (Windows Problem Reporting by Microsoft)
  6. shell32.dll (Windows Shell Common Dll by Microsoft)
  7. realsched.exe (RealPlayer (32-bit) by RealNetworks)
  8. explorer.exe (Windows Explorer by Microsoft)
  9. acproxy.dll (Autochk Proxy DLL by Microsoft)
  10. csrss.exe (Client Server Runtime Process by Microsoft)
  11. regedit.exe (Registry Editor by Microsoft)
  12. sc.exe (A tool to aid in developing services for WindowsNT by Microsoft)
  13. spoolsv.exe (Spooler SubSystem App by Microsoft)
  14. wmpnetwk.exe (Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service by Microsoft)
  15. vlc.exe (VLC media player by VideoLAN)
  16. realplay.exe (RealPlayer (32-bit) by RealNetworks)
  17. facebookupdate.exe (Facebook Update by Facebook)
  18. dfdwiz.exe (Windows Disk Diagnostic User Resolver by Microsoft)
  19. dllhost.exe (COM Surrogate by Microsoft)
  20. updateclient.exe (UpdateClient by ActivePath Ltd)
  21. mdnsresponder.exe (Bonjour by Apple)
  22. chrome.exe (Google Chrome by Google Inc)
  23. adobearm.exe (Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager by Adobe Systems)
  24. alg.exe (Application Layer Gateway Service by Microsoft)
  25. jusched.exe (Java(TM) Platform SE Auto Updater 2 0 by Oracle America)
  26. itunes.exe (iTunes by Apple)
  27. ctfmon.exe (CTF Loader by Microsoft)
  28. services.exe (Services and Controller app by Microsoft)
  29. wininit.exe (Windows Start-Up Application by Microsoft)
  30. ui0detect.exe (Interactive services detection by Microsoft)
  31. msdtc.exe (Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service by Microsoft)
  32. perfhost.exe (x86 Performance Counter Host by Microsoft)
  33. locator.exe (Rpc Locator by Microsoft)
  34. snmptrap.exe (SNMP Trap by Microsoft)
  35. dwm.exe (Desktop Window Manager by Microsoft)
  36. trustedinstaller.exe (Windows Modules Installer by Microsoft)
  37. googletoolbarnotifier.exe (GoogleToolbarNotifier by Google Inc)
  38. msiexec.exe (Windows Installer - Unicode by Microsoft)
  39. sppsvc.exe (Microsoft Software Protection Platform Service by Microsoft)
  40. ehsched.exe (Windows Media Center Scheduler Service by Microsoft)
  41. wmiprvse.exe (WMI Provider Host by Microsoft)
  42. vds.exe (Virtual Disk Service by Microsoft)
  43. lsm.exe (Local Session Manager Service by Microsoft)
  44. wmpnscfg.exe (Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Configuration Application by Microsoft)
  45. wordpad.exe (Windows Wordpad Application by Microsoft)
  46. sidebar.exe (Windows Desktop Gadgets by Microsoft)
  47. ehrecvr.exe (Windows Media Center Receiver Service by Microsoft)
  48. wsqmcons.exe (Windows SQM Consolidator by Microsoft)
  49. softwareupdate.exe (Apple Software Update by Apple)
  50. winlogon.exe (Windows Logon Application by Microsoft)
  51. msimn.exe (Outlook Express by Microsoft)
  52. defrag.exe (Windows Disk Defragmenter by Microsoft)
  53. groovemonitor.exe (GrooveMonitor Utility by Microsoft)
  54. aepdu.dll (Program Compatibility Data Updater by Microsoft)
  55. taskhost.exe (Host Process for Windows Tasks by Microsoft)
  56. schtasks.exe (Manages scheduled tasks by Microsoft)
  57. portabledeviceapi.dll (Windows Portable Device API Components by Microsoft)
  58. ose.exe (Office Source Engine by Microsoft)
  59. googleupdaterservice.exe (Google Updater by Google Inc)
  60. hpsf.exe (HP Support Assistant by Hewlett-Packard Company)
  61. ssscheduler.exe (McAfee Security Scanner + by McAfee)
  62. ssscheduler.exe (McAfee Security Scanner by McAfee)
  63. applemobiledeviceservice.exe (MobileDeviceService by Apple)
  64. hpwuschd2.exe ( hpwuSchd Application by Hewlett-Packard Company)
  65. smss.exe (Windows Session Manager by Microsoft)
  66. gameux.dll (Games Explorer by Microsoft)
  67. divxupdate.exe (DivX Update by DivX)
  68. netdde.exe (Network DDE - DDE Communication by Microsoft)
  69. backgroundcontainer.dll (Background Container by Conduit Ltd)
  70. windowssearch.exe (Windows Search System Tray by Microsoft)
  71. wudfhost.exe (Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Host Process by Microsoft)
  72. hpqtra08.exe (HP Digital Imaging by Hewlett Packard)
  73. apsdaemon.exe (Apple Push by Apple)
  74. winmail.exe (Windows Mail by Microsoft)
  75. yahooauservice.exe (Yahoo! AutoUpdater by Yahoo!)
  76. mcsvhost.exe (McAfee Shared Service Host by McAfee)
  77. armsvc.exe (Adobe Acrobat Update Service by Adobe Systems)
  78. qttask.exe (QuickTime by Apple)
  79. 5zbrmon.exe (VER_PRODUCT_NAME by Mindspark Interactive Network)
  80. yahoomessenger.exe (Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo!)
  81. 2psrchmn.exe (MindSpark Toolbar Platform SearchScope Monitor by Mindspark Interactive Network)
  82. mpc-hc.exe (Media Player Classic - Home Cinema by MPC-HC - Open Source Developer)
  83. rndlresolversvc.exe (by RealNetworks)
  84. ycmmirage.exe (YCMMirag Application by CyberLink)
  85. wlcrasvc.exe (Windows Live Mesh by Microsoft)
  86. mwsoemon.exe (My Web Search Bar for Internet Explorer, email clients, and messenger clients by Mindspark Interactive Network)
  87. rsvp.exe (Microsoft RSVP by Microsoft)
  88. avastui.exe (avast! Antivirus by AVAST Software)
  89. switchboard.exe (SBSV 2010/02/19-11:02:07 by Adobe Systems QA)
  90. 5zbarsvc.exe (PRODUCTVERS_NAME by Mindspark Interactive Network)
  91. conhost.exe (Console Window Host by Microsoft)
  92. cvhsvc.exe (Microsoft Office 2010 by Microsoft)
  93. updaterstartuputility.exe (Adobe Updater Startup Utility by Adobe Systems)
  94. rocketdock.exe
  95. racagent.exe (Reliability analysis metrics calculation executable by Microsoft)
  96. avastemupdate.exe (avast! Antivirus by AVAST Software)
  97. winword.exe (2007 Microsoft Office system by Microsoft)
  98. avastsvc.exe (avast! Antivirus by AVAST Software)
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