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Search handlers

The Shell supports several search utilities that allow users to locate namespace objects such as files or printers. You can create a custom search engine and make it available to users by implementing and registering a search handler. (This feature is supported only under Windows XP or earlier.) Search handlers can be either static or dynamic. Static handlers are loaded only when they are selected by the user. Dynamic handlers are loaded by the Shell at startup and are not terminated until the Shell exits.

Explore top search handlers

  1. browseui.dll (Shell Browser UI Library by Microsoft)
  2. shell32.dll (Windows Shell Common Dll by Microsoft)
  3. wabfind.dll (Find People by Microsoft)
  4. dsquery.dll (Directory Service Find by Microsoft)
  5. olkfstub.dll (Microsoft Outlook by Microsoft)
  6. rpshellsearch.dll (RealPlayer (32-bit) by RealNetworks)
  7. copernicagentext.dll (Copernic Agent Basic (Extensions) by Copernic Technologies)
  8. netferret.dll
  9. pfse150.dll (QuickFinder Component by Corel)
  10. pfse160.dll (QuickFinder Component by Corel)
  11. wsftpsi.dll (WS_FTP Pro by Ipswitch 10 Maguire Road - Suite 220 Lexington MA 02421)
  12. pfse110.dll (QuickFinder Component 11 by Novell c/o Corel Limited)
  13. pdshext.dll (PowerDesk by Avanquest Publishing USA)
  14. pwssearchhandler.dll (PWSSearchHandler Module )
  15. flproshellextx86.dll (FileLocator Pro by Mythicsoft Ltd)
  16. shellext.dll (FileLocator Lite by Mythicsoft Ltd)
  17. pfse80.dll (PerfectFit 32-Bit by Novell)
  18. findext.dll (Microsoft Bookshelf 98\0 by Microsoft)
  19. cmffnd80.dll (CorelDRAW (TM) by Corel)
  20. fi.dll (Autodesk, Inc. Fi by Autodesk)
  21. pfse90.dll (QuickFinder Component 9 by Novell c/o Corel Limited)
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