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User start menu folder
The startup folder contains programs that automatically start when Windows starts for the logged in user. Any application in this folder (C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Start Menu\Programs\Startup or under C:\User\USERNAME\) will be run when the particular user logs into Windows.
Explore top user start menu folder
adobe gamma loader.exe (Adobe Systems, Inc. Adobe Gamma Loader by Adobe Systems)
sidebar.exe (Windows Desktop Gadgets by Microsoft)
ssscheduler.exe (McAfee Security Scanner + by McAfee)
ssscheduler.exe (McAfee Security Scanner by McAfee)
windowssearch.exe (Windows Search System Tray by Microsoft)
hpqtra08.exe (HP Digital Imaging by Hewlett Packard)
rundll32.exe (Windows host process (Rundll32) by Microsoft)
ereg.exe (PowerReg by Logitech)
5zbarsvc.exe (PRODUCTVERS_NAME by Mindspark Interactive Network)
firefox.exe (Firefox by Mozilla)
quickstart.exe (by The Document Foundation)
asusvibelauncher.exe (AsusVibe Application by ASUSTeK Computer)
osa.exe (Microsoft Office XP by Microsoft)
mypc backup.exe (MyPC Backup by JDI BACKUP LIMITED)
onenotem.exe (Microsoft OneNote by Microsoft)
hpstatusui.dll (HP Digital Imaging by Hewlett Packard)
magicdisc.exe (MagicDisc by MagicISO)
groove.exe (Microsoft Office Groove by Microsoft)
quickdcf2.exe (FinePixViewer by FUJIFILM)
stikynot.exe (Sticky Notes by Microsoft)
dlg.exe (Digital Line Detection by Avanquest)
dropbox.exe (Dropbox by Dropbox)
reader_sl.exe (Adobe Acrobat by Adobe Systems)
avastui.exe (avast! Antivirus by AVAST Software as)
newshortcut5_21c7b668029a47458b27645fe6e4a715.exe (InstallShield by SRS Labs)
facebookmessenger.exe (Facebook Messenger by Facebook)
wzqkpick.exe (WinZip by WinZip Computing)
setpoint.exe (Logitech SetPoint by Logitech)
boostspeed.exe (BoostSpeed by Auslogics Software Pty Ltd)
cvh.exe (Microsoft Office 2010 by Microsoft)
osa9.exe (Microsoft Office 2000 by Microsoft)
picturemover.exe (PictureMover Application by Hewlett-Packard Company)
salaty.exe (Muslims Prayer Time Reminder. by wwwela-salatycom)
tmmonitor.exe (TMMonitor by ArcSoft)
onenote.exe (Microsoft Office OneNote by Microsoft)
strongvaultapp.exe (StrongvaultApp by Strongvault Online Storage LLC)
saytime.exe (Say the Time by Provenio Software)
javaw.exe (Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U31 by Sun Microsystems)
adobecollabsync.exe (by Adobe Systems)
wruninstall.exe (Webroot Installer by Webroot)
tcbhn.exe (by Blabbers Communications Ltd)
powerreg scheduler.exe (PRegScheduler Application )
yahoowidgets.exe (Yahoo! Widgets by Yahoo!)
hpqthb08.exe (hp digital imaging by Hewlett-Packard Development Company LP)
kodak software updater.exe
usbguard.exe (USB Disk Security by Zbshareware Limited)
remind32.exe (Intelliquest Reminder Application by IntelliQuest Communications)
rainmeter.exe (Rainmeter by Rainmeter)
updatechecker.exe (by Cole Williams)
backupmanagertray.exe (Acer Backup Manager by NTI)
frostwire.exe (FrostWire by Frostwire)
lpuninstall.exe (LastPass Installer by LastPass)
crashplantray.exe (CrashPlan Tray by Code 42 Software)
quickset.exe (QuickSet by Dell)
idvault.exe (Constant Guard Protection Suite by Comcast)
powerreg scheduler v3.exe (PowerReg Scheduler by Leader Technologies)
rpsystray.exe (RealPlayer Cloud by RealNetworks)
pcmeterv0.3.exe (AddGadgets Library by AddGadgets)
stk02nm.exe (Syntek Camera by Syntek Ltd)
raui.exe (RaUI Application by Ralink Technology)
newshortcut2_87edf6c81d0a4b7b84f42fe0c6a9d608.exe (InstallShield by Flexera Software)
sqlmangr.exe (Microsoft SQL Server by Microsoft)
tbhcn.exe (by Blabbers Communications Ltd)
cnab4lak.exe (Canon Advanced Printing Technology by CANON INC)
aero midnight clock.exe
cli.exe (Catalyst Control Centre by ATI Technologies)
wzqkpick32.exe (WinZip by WinZip Computing)
display.exe (PowerChute Personal Edition by American Power Conversion)
ramasst.exe (CD Burning of Windows XP disabling tool for DVD MULTI Drive by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd)
dfx.exe (by Power Technology)
seagate na0lyq6t product registration.exe (PowerReg by Seagate Technology LLC)
snagit32.exe (Snagit by TechSmith)
simplicheck.exe (simplicheck by simplitec GmbH)
itouch-server-win.exe (Logitech Touch Mouse Server by Logitech)
orbitdm.exe (Orbit Downloader by KORAM GAMES LIMITED)
dropbox.exe (Dropbox by Dropbox)
googlecalendarsync.exe (Google Calendar Sync by Google Inc)
wksvmgr.exe (WibuKey Server Manager by WIBU-SYSTEMS AG)
air mouse.exe (AirMouse )
wna3100.exe (NETGEAR Genie Application by NETGEAR)
kuma_tray.exe (Kuma_Tray by Kuma)
bttray.exe (Bluetooth Software by Broadcom)
objectdock.exe (Stardock ObjectDock by Stardock)
cma.exe (Content Manager Assistant by Sony Computer Entertainment)
fences.exe (Fences by Stardock)
df.exe (Direct Folders by Code Sector)
wddmstatus.exe (WDDMStatus.exe by Western Digital Technologies)
audibledownloadhelper.exe (Audible Download Manager by Audible)
belkinwcui.exe (Belkin Wireless Client Utility by Belkin)
core temp.exe (Core Temp by Artur Liberman)
msnotif.exe (Outil de notification de cadeaux MSN by Microsoft)
rtwlan.exe (RtWLan Application by Realtek Semiconductor)
mozystat.exe (MozyHome by Mozy)
getright.exe (GetRight by Headlight Software)
ir.exe (Hauppauge Computer Works IR by Hauppauge Computer Works)
psi_tray.exe (Secunia PSI Tray by Secunia)
punto.exe (Punto Switcher by YANDEX LLC)
brsupssp.exe_44686fc076524ef5975ef92ee48e2958.exe (InstallShield by Flexera Software LLC)
techtracker.exe (TechTracker Application )
dyntray.exe (Dyn Updater by Dynamic Network Services Inc)
azulstarlinktest.exe (Azulstar Wireless Wizard by Azulstar)
tosdimonitor.exe (Toshiba Places Icon Utility by TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
launcher.exe (The Webshots Desktop Launcher by American Greetings)
alarm.exe (CorelCENTRAL TM 9 by Corel Limited)
qbwebconnector.exe (Quickbooks Web Connector by Intuit)
ding.exe (DING! by Southwest Airlines)
paltalk.exe (Paltalk Messenger by Paltalkcom)
recentx.exe (RecentX by Concept world)
ldmconf.exe (Logitech Desktop Messenger by Logitech)
autodect.exe (AutoDect by D-LINK CORPORATION)
wna1100.exe (WNA1100 Application by NETGEAR)
screencapturer.exe (ScreenCapturer by ScreenCapturercom)
acervcm.exe (Acer Video Conference Manager by Acer)
qbupdate.exe (QuickBooks Automatic Update by Intuit)
easyshare.exe (KODAK EasyShare Software )
spuvolumewatcher.exe (PMB by Sony)
justcloud.exe (JustCloud by JDI BACKUP LIMITED)
gamestopnow.exe (GameStop Now by GameStop)
isctsystray8.exe (ISCTsysTray by Intel(R) Smart Connect software)
qbw32.exe (QuickBooks by Intuit)
gingerclientstartu_a2f7c7db989e489495dd2d78edbe914a.exe (InstallShield by Flexera Software)
calendar.exe (Calendar 2000 by Gregory Braun -- Software Design)
delldock.exe (Dell Dock by Stardock)
aoltray.exe (America Online by America Online)
wincinemamgr.exe (WinCinema Manager for InterVideo WinCinema products by InterVideo)
acstart16.exe (AutoCAD by Autodesk)
ticno tabs.exe (Engine Application by Media Labs Ltd)
directdownloader.exe (by DDLR LTD)
bgvolumewatcher.exe (Bloggie Software by Sony of America)
trillian.exe (Trillian by Cerulean Studios)
usertile.exe (UserTile )
nassche.exe (NAS Function Scheduling Application by BUFFALO INC)
codemetercc.exe (CodeMeter Control Center by WIBU-SYSTEMS AG)
yowindow.exe (YoWindow 3 by RepkaSoft)
pdanetpc.exe (by June Fabrics Technology)
severeweatheralerts.exe (Severe Weather Alerts by Weather Notifications LLC)
autobackup.exe (AutoBackup by Samsung)
aero midnight weather.exe
hamachi.exe (Hamachi Client by LogMeIn)
rzfps.exe (Razer SwitchBlade FPS Application by Razer USA Ltd)
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Active Processes
User Start Menu Programs
All Users Start Menu Programs
Startup Files (All Users) Run
Startup Files (All Users) Run Once
Startup Files (All Users) Run Once Setup
Startup Files (All Users) Run Once Ex
Startup Files (All Users) Run Services
Startup Files (All Users) Run Services Once
Startup Files (User) Run
Startup Files (User) Run Once
Startup Files (User) Run Once Setup
Startup Files (User) Run Once Ex
Startup Files (User) Run Services
Shared Task Scheduler Programs
Scheduled Tasks
Explorer Policies
User Init Startup Files
Winlogon Shell Startup Files
Startup Files Notify
Web Browser Plug-ins
Internet Explorer BHOs
Internet Explorer Toolbars
Internet Explorer Extensions
Internet Explorer Bars
Internet Explorer Plugin Extensions
Internet Explorer Plugins
Internet Explorer Shell Browsers
Internet Explorer Web Browsers
Internet Explorer URL Search Hooks
Internet Explorer Menu Extensions
ActiveX Installs
Google Chrome Plugins
Mozilla Plugins
Windows Hooks
Shell Execute Hooks
App Init DLLs
Shell Service Object Delay Loads
Shell Open Commands
Context Menu Handlers
Search Handlers
Autoplay Handlers
Data Handlers
Copy Hook Handlers
Property Sheet Handlers
IOffice Antivirus Plugins
Security Providers
Credential Providers
Credential Provider Filters
Pluggable Protocols
PROTOCOLS Namespace Handlers
Winsock LSPs
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