What is SearchCore for Browsers?
By Bandoo Media Inc
What is it?
Bandoo SearchCore for Browsers is a free web browser plugin for MSN messenger, Gmail, Facebook and some other popular instant messaging applications and web services designed to enriche chat conversations and email messages. Bandoo typically comes bundled with various adware-like programs such as the Searchqu toolbar and should you decide to remove Bandoo, Searchqu toolbar (as well as other bundled potentially unwanted programs) will still be installed.
Why should I uninstall SearchCore for Browsers?
Removing unwanted web browser extensions is typically a good idea. SearchCore for Browsers by Bandoo, along with many browser plug-ins, has the potential to cause stability issues within the web browsers they load into, effecting overall PC performance. Bandoo SearchCore for Browsers is known to monitor your search queries and the web sites you visit in order show advertisements and alter search settings and results.
Description from Bandoo Media Inc“Bandoo gives you cool new ways to express yourself in Live Messenger, Hotmail, Yahoo IM & Mail, Gmail and Outlook Express, pumping your conversations full of endless fun and surprises! With countless Emoticons, Nudges, Winks, and Images, and new collections added regularly, there will always be something new to freshen up the conversation! Go crazy with our NEW INTERACTIVE WINKS - Winks just got supercharged with tons of interactivity, giving you total control over what your friends see! Messaging was never this fun, as the latest Bandoo is Bigger and Better than ever before. Bandoo is a way to express yourself on the Instant Messenger, Email, and your favorite Social Network (now available for Windows Live Messenger (MSN) and Windows Live Email (Hotmail), Yahoo Mail and IM, Outlook Express, Gmail and Facebook). Bandoo boosts your instant messages and the whole communication with friends to a new fun and crazy level with tons of cool Emoticons, Nudges, Winks, Images and more in a huge variety. Go crazy with our INTERACTIVE WINKS - the Winks are now coming to live and you are the one controlling them - Messaging was never more fun.”
Publisher about URL: http://www.bandoo.com/
Other programs by Bandoo Media Inc
- Windows Searchqu Toolbar
- iLivid
- Searchqu Toolbar
- Bandoo
About Bandoo Media Inc
Bandoo adds new animated emoticons, nudges, winks, and images, to your messenger client. They are bright, bold and brash with animations, TXT language and new pictures. Bandoo adds a bar on the conversation window, just above where you write. There are six menus to choose from, one to add emoticons, another one to add animated text, then Winks, Nudges, User pictures and special Bandoo features at the end.
More about Bandoo Media Inc...Bandoo Media Inc web site: www.bandoo.com
Files installed by Bandoo Media Inc
- datamngrui.exe (Data Manager by Bandoo Media)
- datamngrcoordinator.exe (Datamngr Coordinator by Bandoo Media)
- ilividsetup.exe (iLivid by Bandoo Media)
- bandoov8.exe (Bandoo by Bandoo Media)
- jzipshell.dll (jZip by Bandoo Media)
- jzipshell.dll (jZip by Bandoo Media)
- jzipshell64x.dll (jZip by Bandoo media inc)
- jzip.exe (jZip by Bandoo Media)
- ilividsetupv1 (1).exe (iLivid by Bandoo Media)
How to Automatically Uninstall SearchCore for Browsers (with Boost)
If you you do not have Boost installed yet, download Boost and enjoy your PC.
Open Boost by either double-clicking the Boost icon in your notification area next to your PC's clock, or single-clicking the Boost icon and clicking the Open Boost button on the top left of the Boost notification window.
If you are not currently on the My PC screen of the main Boost window, click the My PC tab.
Click the Optimize programs button , this will launch the Program Optimization screen.
Locate the program in the list called SearchCore for Browsers by Bandoo Media Inc. (The program could be listed under any of the section such as Uninstall Recommended, Possible Uninstall, etc. based on how well SearchCore for Browsers performs on your PC.)
SearchCore for Browsers by Bandoo Media Inc
To the right of the list item, click the Uninstall button and Boost will completely remove SearchCore for Browsers from your PC.
How to Manually Uninstall SearchCore for Browsers (with Windows)
Use Add/Remove Programs control panel in Windows makes to uninstall SearchCore for Browsers. Follow the appropriate instructions below to use this control panel.
Windows 7
From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
In Large or Small icon view, click Programs and Features. If you're using Category view, under "Programs", click Uninstall a program.
Select SearchCore for Browsers from the list of programs, and click Uninstall. Alternatively, right-click the program and select Uninstall.
Windows Vista
From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
In Classic View, double-click Programs and Features. In Control Panel Home view, under "Programs", click Uninstall a program.
Select SearchCore for Browsers from the program list, and click Uninstall. Alternatively, right-click the program and select Uninstall.
Windows XP
From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
Click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
Select SearchCore for Browsers from the list of programs and click Remove.