What is eoRezo?
By EoRezo
What is it?
Eorezo is an adware program that displays advertisements in Internet Explorer. Eorezo is an adware component downloaded through various software bundlers from the French program tutorial services, PCTuto and Tuto4Pc.
Why should I uninstall eoRezo?
EoRezo displays targeted advertising to affected users while browsing the Internet, based on downloaded pre-configured information.
Typical installation path: C:\Program Files\EoRezo\EoAdv
Publisher about URL: http://en.eorezo.com/
Files installed by EoRezo
- eorezobho.dll (EoRezoBHO by Eorezo)
- softwareupdatehp.exe (SoftwareHelper by Eorezo)
EoRezo policies
The following can be found in EoRezo's privacy policies and terms of service:
“Name: EoBHO Class
Publisher: Eorezo
Type: Browser Helper Object
Class ID: {C7B”
How to Automatically Uninstall eoRezo (with Boost)
If you you do not have Boost installed yet, download Boost and enjoy your PC.
Open Boost by either double-clicking the Boost icon in your notification area next to your PC's clock, or single-clicking the Boost icon and clicking the Open Boost button on the top left of the Boost notification window.
If you are not currently on the My PC screen of the main Boost window, click the My PC tab.
Click the Optimize programs button , this will launch the Program Optimization screen.
Locate the program in the list called eoRezo by EoRezo. (The program could be listed under any of the section such as Uninstall Recommended, Possible Uninstall, etc. based on how well eoRezo performs on your PC.)
eoRezo by EoRezo
To the right of the list item, click the Uninstall button and Boost will completely remove eoRezo from your PC.
How to Manually Uninstall eoRezo (with Windows)
Use Add/Remove Programs control panel in Windows makes to uninstall eoRezo. Follow the appropriate instructions below to use this control panel.
Windows 7
From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
In Large or Small icon view, click Programs and Features. If you're using Category view, under "Programs", click Uninstall a program.
Select eoRezo from the list of programs, and click Uninstall. Alternatively, right-click the program and select Uninstall.
Windows Vista
From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
In Classic View, double-click Programs and Features. In Control Panel Home view, under "Programs", click Uninstall a program.
Select eoRezo from the program list, and click Uninstall. Alternatively, right-click the program and select Uninstall.
Windows XP
From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
Click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
Select eoRezo from the list of programs and click Remove.