What is SpeedMaxPc?
By SpeedMaxPc
What is it?
SpeedMaxPc is free to download and, once downloaded, will conduct a 'free scan' of your computer, however it will always find potential problems and in order to fix them will require you to purchase the full product. SpeedMaxPc also attempts to upsell its phone support.
Why should I uninstall SpeedMaxPc?
If not being actively used, SpeedMaxPc should be disabled from running as it utilizes needed PC resources even when the system is idled. It is configured to auto start and run in the background when your PC boots. It is recommended if you want to continue running SpeedMaxPc, you should only use it on demand and start it manually.
Typical installation path: C:\Program Files\common files\speedmaxpc\
Description from SpeedMaxPc“Say Goodbye to Windows errors... SpeedMaxPc now offers unbelievable tactics and FREE tips to supercharge your PC for turbo performance! SpeedMaxPc brings together high quality tools in one comprehensive program. This advanced software makes it easy to fix, clean and optimize your computer. SpeedMaxPc gets things running right again by removing active malware, updating drivers, cleaning your Windows regdatabase, defragmenting the disk, helping you update drivers, finding programs to open file extensions and getting rid of cached information that slows down your PC. In 2010, a savvy computer knowledgeable individual decided to take a chance and make a difference in the computer software industry. He recognized modern computer users faced huge amounts of everyday problems and annoyances, brought on by security risks, system malfunctions, error messages and the expensive costs of hiring over-priced computer technicians to repair easy to fix problems.”
Publisher about URL: http://speedmaxpc.com/
Files installed by SpeedMaxPc
- update3.exe (SpeedMaxPc by SpeedMaxPc)
- myresources.dll (SpeedMaxPc by MaxTuneup LLC)
- update3.exe (Universal Update by MaxTuneup LLC)
- speedmaxpc.exe (SpeedMaxPc by MaxTuneup LLC)
How to Automatically Uninstall SpeedMaxPc (with Boost)
If you you do not have Boost installed yet, download Boost and enjoy your PC.
Open Boost by either double-clicking the Boost icon 

in your notification area next to your PC's clock, or single-clicking the Boost icon and clicking the Open Boost button on the top left of the Boost notification window.
If you are not currently on the My PC screen of the main Boost window, click the My PC tab.
Click the Optimize programs button
, this will launch the Program Optimization screen.
Locate the program in the list called SpeedMaxPc by SpeedMaxPc. (The program could be listed under any of the section such as Uninstall Recommended, Possible Uninstall, etc. based on how well SpeedMaxPc performs on your PC.)

SpeedMaxPc by SpeedMaxPc
To the right of the list item, click the Uninstall
button and Boost will completely remove SpeedMaxPc from your PC.
How to Manually Uninstall SpeedMaxPc (with Windows)
Use Add/Remove Programs control panel in Windows makes to uninstall SpeedMaxPc. Follow the appropriate instructions below to use this control panel.
Windows 7
From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
In Large or Small icon view, click Programs and Features. If you're using Category view, under "Programs", click Uninstall a program.
Select SpeedMaxPc from the list of programs, and click Uninstall. Alternatively, right-click the program and select Uninstall.
Windows Vista
From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
In Classic View, double-click Programs and Features. In Control Panel Home view, under "Programs", click Uninstall a program.
Select SpeedMaxPc from the program list, and click Uninstall. Alternatively, right-click the program and select Uninstall.
Windows XP
From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
Click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
Select SpeedMaxPc from the list of programs and click Remove.