What is it?
Instant Buzz by MicroModelBusinessSystem is a web browser toolbar that allows you to earn credits for browsing the internet. Every time you visit a new web page a new ad is displayed in your Instant Buzz bar and you earn 0.1 Advertising Credits. For every person who you personally refer to join Instant Buzz, you will earn 0.1 Advertising Credits every time they visit a new web page.
Description from the publisher“Instant Buzz (IB) is mind-blowingly simple (and that, in itself, is an important part of its success). To get started, you simply download the toolbar from the Instant Buzz site, install it to your PC (following the simple instructions) and you're ready to go. The toolbar will now display at the top of your Internet Explorer screen (see screenshots below) showing non-intrusive ads from other users of the system. To have your own ads displayed on the toolbar of other users, you just log in to the IB admin area. From there, you can set up your ads, change existing ads, check how many times your ad has been seen and clicked on, and more. (There's also a terrific private forum for IB users only). Users see your ad and make a conscious decision to click on it because they're interested in what it is you're promoting. Contrast this with, for example, start-page exchanges which clock up 'visits' to your page, but send virtually no quality traffic. Just install the toolbar (takes one minute), set up your ads and they will start displaying on other users toolbars almost right away. You earn credits all the time just by surfing the net. (You can earn even more credits by inviting others to join under you.) Unlike banner exchanges or other ad exchanges, when you use IB you don't have to place other people's ads on your site. Just by surfing you'll build your traffic. However, if you have a site, you have the option of adding the IB popup (like the one on this page) in order to grow your downline and get even more traffic. Just visit the Instant Buzz site. From there you can download and install the toolbar by following the simple instructions. Now simply log in to your IB admin area (straight from the toolbar) and set up the ads you want displayed throughout the system. You can change you ads as often as you want and point them anywhere you want via the IB admin area (hint: it's a great way to promote a new affiliate program). You'll get statistics on how many times your ad has been displayed and how many clicks it's received - so you can compare and improve ads all the time to further increase your traffic.”