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How many PCs can I run one registered copy of Boost on?
Boost offers a Family License which allows you to install and use the software on up to 3 PCs at a time as long as those computers do belong to the same household and are used by persons who occupy that same household. This license does not extend to business or commercial users.
To use the family license just use the same activation code you received when purchasing Boost only up to 3 PCs in your household such as you desktop, PC or netbook.
By household we mean a person or persons who share the same housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home, or condominium, including students who are primary residents of that household but reside at a separate on-campus location.
If there is a case where you require Boost on more then 3 PCs within the same household, just contact us and we can make an exception.
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